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[atlarge-discuss] Another traitor?

The At-Large is now being sabotaged by traitors from within.  

I see that icannatlarge.com Panelist Satyajit Gupta has endorsed Alejandro 
Pisanty, the man who is orchestrating the death of the At-large, for another 
term on the ICANN Board.  I also note that he didn't endorse the At-Large 
candidates (and his fellow panelists) YJ Park and Vivek Durai.  As a result 
of Satyajit's endorsement, Alejandro is now officially a candidate for the 
Board, while YJ and Vivek still haven't reached the threshold requirements.

What's worse, look at Pisanty's pathetic voting record on every DNSO issue to 
come before the Board.  Whatever the DNSO recommends, Pisanty votes against 
it.  Perhaps Satyajit considers this to be "expertise" and "knowledge"... I 
consider it to be the hallmark of arrogance and the refutation of the concept 
of consensus-based decision-making.  

Perhaps Satyajit will tell us why he is sucking up to the Board.  

3a. Full name of the endorser: Satyajit Gupta
3b. E-mail address of the endorser: satyajitg@hotmail.com
3c. Full name of the accepted nominee you wish to endorse: Alejandro Pisanty

    As a DNSO-GA member, I wish to endorse Dr.Alejandro Pisanty for the 
ICANN Board. I believe that the expertise and the knowledge of Dr.Pisanty 
shall contribute to and enrich the Board in numerous ways. I also wish to 
set the tone by endorsing a candidate not from my country and region - the 
global village is shrinking very fast!

   I wish Dr.Pisanty all the success in the future. I volunteer to help in 
any way I can.

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