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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Pax pax...

Hello Satyajit:

I have unleashed no diatribe.  I have not been vindictive.  I have not attacked you personally.  All I have asked is that you provide your reasoning for endorsing Alejandro Pisanty.

Your comments below indicate you are spending your time responding to personal email regarding this issue yet you are claiming you have a thesis to write and cannot reply to us publicly.

Again, Satyajit, I ask you to answer the question asked several times, many were polite, in this forum.  Why did you endorse Alejandro Pisanty?


Micheal Sherrill

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Satyajit Gupta" <icheckemail@indiatimes.com>
Reply-To: "Satyajit Gupta"<icheckemail@indiatimes.com>
Date:  Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:53:25 +0530

 Dear Fellow Stakeholders,

 You are free to be either swayed by Judith's diatribe or believe me - you have your freedom to think and decide... And I asked for personal responses because this discussion was going nowhere with personal attacks on me mounting. 

 I believe personally that a candidate cannot solicit endorsements - if he/she is deserving, there will be no dearth of support... 

 And I have been answering most of the personal attacks made on me. I know I am being 'baited' by some people - I just cannot believe how low some people can go - using foul language, making wild allegations, and snide insinuations... 

 I am working on my thesis right now and have no time to reply to vindictive emails. Constructive suggestions/ emails welcome.


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