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Re: [atlarge-discuss] Trademark debate

We really need to get pissed off over this prior restraint.
This brutal attack through innuendo and silent yet viscious threat is dead
I choose not to say *&*^*%%$@@$&&&*^*^*$%#@@&&!*$)*%#@.
But using this trademark debate to forbid us from using what we as a group vote
upon is wrong.
Joanna has been so threatened she thought of resigning.  Maybe not blackmail but
dead wrong non-the-less.
The IP people that would back such nonsense and the lawyers who play these games
are sick sons of bitches.
I can register FuckICANN and use it but not use ICANNatlarge to some degree  to
help the world community, bullshit.  Who the hell was the first person to come
up with this crapp?
If it was some professor type in an Ivory tower named berryhill he should hide
in shame and stop threatening people with stupid assignign legal opinions that
belong in textbooks and are better left in his empty head that does not help
people but practices sophistry at the worst level.

Let Freedom reign!

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