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Re: [atlarge-discuss] A Plan...

At 09:39 -0500 2002/11/13, Walter Schmidt wrote:
>   ...different fellows a good volunteer organization makes.
>To succeed, a volunteer organization needs to have a series of tasks all
>running simultaneously - creating more than enough "room" for all of us -
>...from each member according to their ability, for each task according to
>its needs (with apologies to Karl).
>Our "issues" include staff (support) and line (operations) tasks.

Bless you, Walter, for underlining the single biggest problem for anyone trying to build a new organization from the ground up. We don't have an agreed-upon mission, let alone a division of tasks into "line" and "staff" jobs with some kind of structure for their performance. This is where I think we are with regard to your list:

> Line...
> - Short (12 month) and Long (36+ month) Term Planning and Plan(s)

I presume this is something the Interim Panel is discussing but I don't know what they're saying about it.

The sense I get from the membership is:

- Short (12 months) : 1. Finalize mission statement and bylaws
                      2. Decide on place of incorporation and do it
                      3. Develop a viable committee/WG structure to
					deal with Web site, position papers, etc.
                      4. Develop a timetable for both organizational 
					work and public relations/outreach
                      5. Send representatives and/or position papers
					to Internet administration/governance events
				  6. Find means of persuading ICANN and U.S. DoC
					to abandon "Blueprint" and provide real
					democratic structure for decision-making

- Long (36+ months)   1. Develop and foster chapters and "SIG" 
					organizations under our umbrella
				  2. Extend and improve outreach to Internet users
				  3. Build bridges to like-minded organizations
				  4. Ensure representation of Internet users at
					major meetings and events worldwide
				  5. Turn ad hoc procedures into permanent working
					methods so as to ensure continuity
				  6. Keep on plugging away at non-democratic governance

Simultaneous with the above are, as Walter says:

> - Understanding Technical Issues
> - Technical Issues Organizational Positions
> - Other Public Organizational Positions
> - Public Organizational Membership Representation
> - Public Organizational Presence 
> Staff...
> - Entity Organizational Support
> - Entity Operations Support
> - Line Personnel Support
> - General Membership Support
> - Day-To-Day Operations
> - Public Organizational Presence 
>That said, it makes sense to me to have a dozen-plus tasks in-play at the
>same time - all geared to produce results and not just discussions...

These require deeper involvement on the part of all members, not just the most vocal ones, and the willingness of individuals to assume responsibilities and work with other individuals to fulfil them.

>...results and not just discussions

I live in hope...


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