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Re: [atlarge-discuss] "As for myself, I don't belong to any *party* with respect to ICANN/Bush/& MultinationalOilConsortitums." ?

At 20:14 22/01/03, Jkhan wrote:
Jeff, Judyth, & Jim,
In this day & age, what does it matter if you are real or not. I'd say
50% of the Bush Administration isn't real, So I couldn't blame anybody
for not wanting to be 'real', besides, not being real has its
advantages, ... there's no one to blame!
Cybernetics (created by Californian Wiener) is the art of improvig action through models developed from feed-backs. Cyberspace is therefore a place you modelize in your brain from the feed backs of your testing. If the feed-backs tell you that someone is real because he helps you being more efficient you will credit him as real.

The feed-back from the Bush administration tend to tell me they are not real. This because they focus on non real issues and get the attention of the world on these non real issues (Iraq rusty barrel nuclear bombs) instead of the real problems (Bin Ladden, Pakistan bombs, Korean nuclear program, Middle East peace, Chechens, etc.). They may have good reasons for that, but my cyberspace is muddy there. I am also worried because they seem to focus on cyberspace security (what may mean they really want to mudd us there) and to start a cyberwarfare force (the first state terrorism act was by the USA spamming Iraq out of the net). Looks like a cybergame to me, out of perspective with the real situation of the world.

Maybe someone could help in locking the White House XBoxes somewhere during the working hours.

PS. The second cybernetic founder was French Louis Coufignal. He was the one who made binary to be used (in anti-aircraft computers to kill the zeroes). He focused on cybernetics teaching. Something we should care about since the mad extension of these technics permit to motivate sucide commandos (was already used during the WW II by Italian torpedo men against the Brits) - self motivation by your own motivation feed-backs. May be will you want to remember that the first virus was found by an SF bank: instead of their programs they found a message asking them to call, for an ransom, a number in ...Pakestan. I would suggest we recall who invented algebra. Everything technical is not US patented.

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