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Re: [Fwd: [atlarge-discuss] WHAT MOST MEMBERS WANT]

hmmm. Good but very complex. This is no criticism and I would like to help Sotiris building this and passing him the Membership list if the New Pabnel agrees.

On 18:14 13/04/03, Stephen Waters said:

On Sun, 2003-04-13 at 03:10, Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:
> 1. you login to the website and create a user name associated with your
> email address.
This creates another list, as does Joop. Since this is for voting purpose only, it could be THE list of the community.

> 2. you generate your ballot by voting on the site.
No problem. But you need some XML and/or programing experience and time. Best approach.

> 3. upon submitting your vote, a receipt copy of your choice(s) is then
> emailed back to you (for your own verification purposes) along with an
> ID,

> 4. you must either log back in to the voting account, or remain logged
> in after steps 2 and 3 and then
> 5. you must enter the ID in the appropriate field to fully commit your
> vote (or perhaps even to scrap it, of course there may need to be two or
> more fields for such a purpose).
Not very complex to do.

> 6. all of the above must occur within the specified voting period.

> Hope that was more clear.

Yes. Some observations:

It gives people a chance to check that their votes were probably
interpreted correctly -- at least on the front-end.
If the code becomes available for download, programmers can verify the
This is the problem. This permits the Members to know they voted and that they are not forgot. But it gives absolutely no warranty about what is hapening on the server (manager adding votes) and additional "virtual voters".

It doesn't assist people with email-only Internet access (I just googled
for "Internet cafe email-only" so it appears there are quite a few of
these around even in the English-speaking world). Granted, all of our
current members probably have web access... I think it was Joop who
reminded us all that you had to create an account on icannatlarge.org to
become a member.
Right. But very seldom as most of the mail only users are using webmail.
Oherwise you have access to a PC. The problem is the time in line. Here
it is reduced. Basically the same as click and vote.

However I prefer providing a mail vote because voting may take time
while you may pay per the minute (web cafe or your boss watching you).

It doesn't help with fraudulent additional accounts per person -- but I
think we're all in agreement that that's too difficult to prevent at
this point.
No. This is the basis of the simplest system I propose. The only
control against fraudluent additional is a published list of the voters
IDs that can be checked by everyone.

In conclusion, I think for this election it's fine. I would like to see
our organization expanded to include email-only people in the future,
but for now, this seems ok.
I am afraid that in spending one day or so on it I could set this up
from existing stable sotfware. But that would not give any warranty
against fraud execept if we spent two or three developping days more
and devise some ingtermediary reporting to watchdogs. Basically
his is Joop's system except that it includes self registration and
since it has not been designed yet, it permits more flexiblity. Joop's
system with a front-end cgi could provide mos of this.

In voting you have five problems:
- not to get more people voting than allowed
- to be unable to make a link between the ballot and the voter
- yet being sure that the voter is warrantied to vote
- only one vote per voter being accepted
- no one can know who voted what

Most of the solutions permits three, some four. The only
five concepts rely on a lack of voting incident and on the
honesty of the operator.


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