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[atlarge-discuss] power-sharing phobia

Hello all, I have re-joined the at-large list, and hope to make a positive

I agree with Danny Younger's points posted today, and think it is now time
for individual Internet users to declare their independence from ICANN.
After nearly five years, we now know that the ICANN model is a particularly
bad governance model, if consensus-building is supposed to be the linchpin
of legitimacy. Among a number of other problems, ICANN, unmistakably,
suffers from power-sharing phobia. Since ICANN will not genuinely share
power with individual Internet users, we should shake off the shackles of
ICANN-illegitimacy, and independently declare our own governance structure.
We do not need ICANN; ICANN needs us. My proposal is that Individual
Internet users self-organize and use the registrar/registry marketplace to
achieve a voice in Internet governance.

The fact is registrars and registries exist to do business with us. Why not
take advantage of the competitive marketplace by doing business exclusively
with those registrars and registries who are responsive to OUR interests? We
could begin by publicly declaring that those registrars that do not meet our
expectations of privacy in the WHOIS database will be off-limits to the
membership of our new structure. Let's begin please.


Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.




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