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[atlarge-discuss] ICANN & WIPO Recommendations

Resolved [03.83] that the President is directed to form, in consultation with 
the chairs of the GNSO Council, the ALAC, and the GAC, a working group 
including participants in the GNSO, the ALAC, and the GAC as well as Board members, 
for the purpose of analyzing the practical and technical aspects of 
implementing the WIPO recommendations, and notably the implications for the UDRP; and

Further resolved [03.84] that the President and General Counsel are directed 
to investigate and analyze legal aspects of the relationship between ICANN's 
mission and the recommendations conveyed by the 12 February 2003 letter from 
WIPO, and to report to the Board and to the working group formed under 
resolution 03.83 on the result of that investigation and analysis. Among topics to be 
considered should be whether implementation of the WIPO recommendations would 
require ICANN to prescribe adherence to normative rules, not based on 
established laws, for the resolution of competing third-party claims to rights to 
register names.

(The Board approved the above resolutions by a 15-1-0 vote, with Mr. Auerbach 
voting against.)

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