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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Consultation on Polling Commission?

I have opposed that motion with the following reason:

I still think this motion is not discussed and simple things are
A. what is the polling committee to use for tools 
B. are they also to organize elections, if so then they cannot be
independent, otherwise they would call for elections whenever they see
fit, thus giving them powers beyond control, if they are not to organize
"elections" then who does that. C. in how far is any panel (us or
followers) bound by the outcome of their polls 
D. who decides on polls with language that is leading to some or
objected by others

There are many more questions to raise on this subject, yet you choose
to simply call a vote immediately, I am appaled.

It is my opinion that this discussion has to be done before even a
preliminary vote or setup can be started.

Kind regards


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