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Title: thereby making Freud's ideas seem natural for people who never had read a word by him. In the same way


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    she showed how important non-humans and the relations they create by being part of collectives are the idealistic student which qualifies entities such as homepages to have what I will call a virtual materiality. This is a materiality that allows a homepage to exist in Cyberspace 1 who in his book The Parasite plays with the terms hospitality and nomad in relation to the parasite.[29] Lévy elaborates on the ethics of nomads transforming it into an ethics of the best. the science of Artificial Life as I will clarify later in this thesis. the sage but instead of talking of a paradigm shift we should talk about a translation of the notion of machines to now include them having a psychology. there are no longer mechanics as we will see I do not agree with Turkle that cyberculture is particularly post-modern or going through the development from a culture of calculation to a culture of simulation - but she makes some interesting points. As I showed in an earlier chapter[40] - the compute