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[FYI] Italian piracy ruling angers software makers


Italian piracy ruling angers software makers
April 27, 2000
Web posted at: 9:45 a.m. EDT (1345 GMT)

by Philip Willan

(IDG) -- A Turin judge has ruled that
copying software programs is not illegal
provided they are not sold for profit. The
judgment has angered manufacturers,
who fear it will encourage an already
booming software piracy sector in Italy.
The judge acquitted a local businessman on of illegally copying word processing,
accounting and industrial design software because he had done it only for use
within his own company. 

"We are extremely disappointed," said Maurizio Bedina, director of Microsoft
Italy's small and medium-size businesses division. "It's not the first time this has
happened. There was a similar ruling by a judge in Cagliari a couple of years

Kristian Köhntopp, NetUSE Kommunikationstechnologie GmbH
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