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[ICANN-EU] Re: [icann-candidates] Re: [ga] bodacious-tata[s].NET

On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, Joop Teernstra wrote:

> Marc,
> I'm afraid you are uncomfortably close to the mark here. You are still free
> to quickly get that name. For Now.
> The TATA case seems to be a typical instance of "DN-policing" in the guise
> of  a  TM dilution case. 
> Interesting is the "non-US famous name" aspect of the case. 

This is interesting indeed and raises all sorts of questions. Is it to
their advantage, because denying an Indian company their TM might look

> If we look further out to the future, we can expect two broad attitudes
> (constituencies?) to emerge, those who will want to expand the URDP into
> more wide-ranging DN policing and those, like yourself,  who will want to
> protect freedom of speech in DN registration.
> As more and more registrants will use the full potential of "speech" in a
> 64 alphanumeric string, more and more names will emerge that will be
> considered hate speech, obscene speech, political speech and other forms of
> addressing that many powers-that-be (and ordinary citizens) across
> different languages and cultures will want banned.  
> Indeed, different cultures and language groups will want to be able to
> control their own policing.
> How about hitler_hatteRecht.com, weloveAnwar_ibrahim.com   or DN that
> insult political leaders or religious sensitivities in languages other than
> English?

I would say anything goes, including Stalin_loved_Russia.ORG. There is no
way we can censor sensibly. It is too much a matter of taste. So none of
it at all. That is my position. If people want to use tasteless names, let
them. They may find the names I choose an insult.
I do not promote being insensitive to the feelings of others, on the
contrary. But I do promote the right to say what others may not like.

> When more restrictively oriented cultures realize that  blocking  access to
> such sites doesn't work, they will demand their own policing rights, to
> "take down" such domains under the ICANN flag. 
> When regionally elected directors will be questioned on their stance on
> Freedom of Speech, we are going to see some surprises.
> Whatever Europeans  may have against North Americans dominating the current
> ICANN process, on Free Speech issues the "regional representativeness"
> structure of ICANN is going to have a decidedly  unAmerican effect.

This may certainly become an issue. We will just have to fight them. There
is no other option. We may loose. I am already experimenting with Freenet
(http://freenet.sourceforge.net/), which addresses blocking issues among
other things.

Marc Schneiders ------- Venster - http://www.venster.nl 
 marc@venster.nl - marc@bijt.net - marc@schneiders.org