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[icann-eu] ORG: some answers from ICANN

ICANN has added new answers to the FAQ about the Verisign agreement at


These are about the policy for ORG... At last.

I note the following:

1. There is no indication that the costs for an ORG domain will not go
up. On the contrary. If the new ORG will enforce strict registration
requirements, as is suggested, prices must go up or the new registry
will go bankrupt. CHecking registrations takes time = costs money. 
2. There are no guarentees that we can keep our names.
3. The interpreation of the RFC that describes ORG policy has been
refuted already by a number of people. ORG was for *all* entities that
did not fit into NET or COM, nit just ORGanizations.
4. The real reason for a non-profit ORG registry is again kept from
us: To make a competitor of Verisign's com impotent.

So, the protest needs more support. Numbers, 1domain1vote, bottom
up. Let them hear your voice, if you own an ORG!

Please, send your ORGs
to: no@ORG-domain-name-owners-lobby-against-ICANNs-sellout-to-VeriSign.ORG

or: no@disgrace.org

The list of supporting ORG domains can be found at:


or again: http://disgrace.org/

Marc Schneiders