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RE: [atlarge-discuss] FW: Resignation

Judyth Mermelstein wrote:

|  I have two requests in addition:
|  1) Could we please devote our attention for the next little
|  while to coming up with a set of Interim Bylaws so all members
|  can know what the correct processes are?

I agree.  Hopefullt some "smarter heads" whith experience in such things
should take thie lead?

|  2) Would any women in the "silent majority" please make their
|  presence known. We need an immediate injection of practicality
|  here and, besides, I'm starting to feel rather lonely...

I promise not to join the flame wars!  Will that do?

Besides, Joanna and Judith resigned from the panel, not the At Large!
Hopefully they'll continue to contribute as members (please!)  :)

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon USA
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|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: espresso@e-scape.net [mailto:espresso@e-scape.net]
|  Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 8:47 AM
|  To: atlarge-discuss@lists.fitug.de
|  Subject: Re: [atlarge-discuss] FW: Resignation
|  At 21:10 +0000 2002/09/25, David Farrar wrote:
|  >Do I understand this correctly?  You are resigning *before* we
|  even know >the results of the non binding vote and before the
|  panel has even discussed >or voted what name to use taking into
|  account the poll results?
|  Unfortuately, it appears both Joanna Lane and Judith Oppenheimer
|  have chosen to resign over what I firmly believe is still a
|  non-issue at this time.
|  I'm sure all of us wish they hadn't chosen to resign precipitously but
|  their decisions are perhaps understandable in the light of their
|  personal fears of frivolous but costly litigation.
|  Since they *have* resigned, it is of the utmost importance that
|  the Interim Panel members departing be replaced as soon as
|  possible. Although I have personal reservations about the
|  process of automatically appointing those ranked as "honourable
|  mentions" in the Panel Election, that seems to be the will of
|  the group and I hope that the Panel will contact the people in
|  question individually rather than trust they are going to pick
|  it up informally from this list.
|  I have two requests in addition:
|  1) Could we please devote our attention for the next little
|  while to coming up with a set of Interim Bylaws so all members
|  can know what the correct processes are?
|  2) Would any women in the "silent majority" please make their
|  presence known. We need an immediate injection of practicality
|  here and, besides, I'm starting to feel rather lonely...
|  Regards,
|  Judyth
|  ##########################################################
|  Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
|  Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
|  ##########################################################
|  "A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
|  ##########################################################
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