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Re: [atlarge-discuss] (fwd) Re: Let move smartly together

Vittorio wrote:
>BTW - I understand that many subscribers of this list would like to
>get more information about what the panel is doing but don't have time
>to use the Web archive. Should we perhaps open the panel list to all
>in read-only mode?

I don't know whether the Panel will want to do this but
I and others here don't have unlimited broadband access.
In fact, having exceeded my limit for online hours for
the month, I simply had to stop using the Web until
this month's hours kick in next week. I know there are
other members with unstable or expensive dial-up access
amongst us, too, which makes reading everything on the
Web impractical.

For a while, we were fortunate enough to have somebody
who kindly summarized the discussions for us here on
the list. It would not be unreasonable for the Chair or
Secretary to let us know what has been on the agenda
since that first batch of Panel resolutions and give us
the text of any resolutions or amendments to same, with
some indication of the state of debate for issues that
haven't gone that far yet.

As for
>>Personally I think that the fundamental issues should be decided by a
>>vote of the members.


>>We have three ways of doing it:
>>a) we ask for support to DNSO;
>>b) we accept Joop's offer;
>>c) we develop a simple PHP online voting system in our website.
>>The latter option requires some work but could be used easily from now
>>on and would make us independent in future votings without requiring
>>us to rely on external help (and to distribute our full membership
>>roll). So if you want I can either do it alone (but it will require
>>some time, as I can only work on it in spare time, so it could take a
>>couple of weeks) or we can find as a volunteer a PHP programmer that
>>can implement it under my design and help.
>>Otherwise, we should accept Joop's offer (I would prefer not to
>>disturb DNSO any more as they've already been very kind with us).
>>What do you think?

I'm not a Panelist but I think that, however great Joop's system
might be, if this organization is to succeed, it needs to start
by making some rules for itself rather than dealing (or not)
with each issue on an ad hoc basis. One of the most obvious and
immediate needs is a mechanism by which the Panel can send
periodic reports on its activities, notices of upcoming meetings,
and notices or ballots to all members. It really isn't good enough
to say we can deal with these things at some later date or make
somebody else responsible for these processes.

If I recall correctly, we had already discussed the importance
of both keeping the membership list confidential and including
some kind of authentication mechanism in our balloting system.
These are things that normally fall under the responsibility of
the Secretary of an organization (the elected officer, not a
paid office-body!) and are written into the bylaws. Could we
not get the bylaws ball rolling again here by formally
proposing the adoption of some rules about this for our
"interim" operations?

My concept would be something like this:

1) The Panel designates one of its members as Interim Secretary
charged with
  a) maintaining an up-to-date and complete membership list
     wherein each member is assigned a membership number;
  b) sending a message to each member advising them of that
     number (which will be used to authenticate ballots)
     and asking them to confirm their continued interest in
     being members along with their contact details;
  c) sending periodic reports to the membership on Panel
     activities and resolutions passed (including URLs of
     the atlarge-panel discussions where appropriate);
  d) providing notice at least three weeks in advance of a vote
     on a resolution (such notice to include specifications
     about a suitable period for discussion and proposal of
     amendments) or an election (such notice to include
     specifications of a suitable period for receipt of
     nominations, confirmation that a nomination is accepted,
     circulation of statements of candidates, and the period
     in which ballots must be received);
  e) calling for volunteers to serve as Chair and scrutineers
     ("watchdogs") for the upcoming ballot period (or, if one
     prefers, for the Interim period up to incorporation but
     these are usually recruited anew for each vote)

2) The Panel proposes (to WG-bylaws first or directly to the
   a) a description of the role and responsibilities
      of the Panel as a whole and the Interim officers on it;
   b) the frequency of its electronic meetings;
   c) rules for the proposal, seconding and discussion of
      resolutions within the Panel;
   d) rules for the convocation and conduct of an online Special
      General Meeting of members, whether by the Panel or
      by the membership, to discuss a particular resolution or
      issue requiring one or more resolutions;
   e) rules by which notices, calls for nominations, ballots,
      etc. are to be issued to the members;
   f) the end of their mandate -- i.e., the date on which the
      membership will have the opportunity to elect either its
      first official officers and directors within the new
      organization (NB: this will entail ratification of a new
      constitution/articles of incorporation and a new member
      registration) or the election of a new Interim Panel.

3) The Panel schedules an online Special General Meeting to
   discuss, amend and ratify its proposals. The results will
   form a set of Interim Bylaws we can start to work within
   so as to move forward on deciding the other issues which
   face us.

>>Once we solve this, we can start working and define
>>exactly what do we want to ask to our members (at least two
>>fundamental questions: do we join RALO/ALAC or not, and if yes, do we
>>focus only on that or do we also incorporate and work independently).

Obviously, it's my preference that we establish our procedures
and agenda before we put these questions to the membership
but I can see the merits of asking some specific questions
first and then structuring our organization accordingly.
Obviously, if a majority of members wants to join the RALO/ALOC
and leave it at that, the resulting organization would be quite
different from one which undertook to work independently of
ICANN on a wider mission.

We're now perilously close to the point where I and others will
simply give up on this group if it cannot face its whole
membership with questions about what we should be doing, how
and why. We've seen multiple efforts to define what we might
choose to do and we've had no opportunity at all to let the
membership make its own choices. The Polling Booth would be
better than nothing but it would hardly be worth the effort
if we are not prepared to ask the crucial questions or regard
the results as official.

I'll leave it up to the Panel to develop a suitable set of
unbiased questions to determine what the members really want,
and I hope they will consider taking responsibility for
ensuring that all members who wish to will have the means
and opportunity to vote, not just those who can get to Joop's
Polling Booth within a few days so the votes can be counted
quickly. I think we need to remember not everyone can vote
via a Web site and not everyone reads all their atlarge mail
every day and can react to it quickly without time for



Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
"Un mot suffit aux sages; pour les autres, il en faut plus."

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