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[atlarge-discuss] BULL HOCKEY Re: [atlarge-discuss] Panel Motion Passed! On toElections! BULL HOCKEY

At 00:07 -0800 2003/04/05, Jeff Williams wrote:
>Bruce and all fellow members,
>  Hogwash!  Vittorio and Judyth knew exactly what they were doing
>when Vittorio FTP'ed the Membership list to Judyth.  FTP is a
>one way file transfer.  You have to have an FTP client up an running
>on you PC for it to receive or send.  So I am not buying into this
>hogwash at all.  Anyone that does is either a fool or is trying to

Just to keep the record straight here, I offer a few facts:
1) the files I received from Vittorio were **e-mailed** to me
without advance notice;
2) I don't use a PC but a Mac
3) I do not keep an FTP client running
4) I have intermittent dial-up access to the Internet with
a limited-hours plan
If you don't believe me, Jeff, you're free to try FTPing
something to me at any time or checking with my ISP.

>  Judyth made a pledge.  She broke that pledge.  In doing so she
>exposed every member to serious harm.  She also was warned
>in advance.  It's all in the archives Bruce.  So again, no excuses!

The non-dyslexic among us are encouraged to check Jeff's
allegations against the contents of the archives and draw
their own conclusions.



Judyth Mermelstein     "cogito ergo lego ergo cogito..."
Montreal, QC           <espresso@e-scape.net>
"A word to the wise is sufficient. For others, use more."
"Un mot suffit aux sages; pour les autres, il en faut plus."

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