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[atlarge-discuss] Panel Committee: election organization

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Dear Polling Committee Members,
I come back to my office. I see you both posted in the meanwhile but not responded the vote I called on the current organization of this election. I therefore understand you stand by your previous positions, supporting the general lines I outlined.

We will therefore proceed in that spirit.

Nominations until May 8 00: GMT
1. we will accept the nominations by icannatalarge;com and to be fully open to everyone we will accept nominations on this list until Thursday May 8 00:00 GMT in conditions we voted (nominated twice or nominated and seconded). Candidates and already polled nominees will be informed today.

Every nominee has been endorsed
2. as I earlier did with other nominations the PC received privately or on the list from Joop, I second every nomination from icannatlarge.com nominated by Joop. The list is attached. They will receive their announcement mail to day.

Acceptation until May 15:00 GMT
3. accepted nominees will be able to accept their nomination until Thursday May 15 00.00. The same applies for the propositions of questions on the ballot.

Vote Starts on May 17 00:00 and will last 10 days
4. the ballots will be sent and the vote open on Saturday May 17th 00:00 GMT. It will close on Tuesday May 27th 00:00 in the way we voted, published and tested through acceptance process.

Requested help
5. We call for someone (DPF or any other to edit the ballot) This will be on May 15/16.

6. Once nominations are closed we will welcome up to three watchdogs. They will receive the list of the VID (without names, the PC Members have the VID and names) and will be copied the votes anonymized by the atlarge@execlub.org mailing list. They will check if there are missing or extra votes.

Personal comments

I hope this meets everyone agreement. It respects what we voted. It respects the legitimate interests of the icannatlarge.com nominees. It respects the request of two nominees for delays. It gives time to vote and will permit to have a well documented ballot with questions concerning our future and our orientation.

This may lead to an election where we have less candidates than positions. We agreed that it was a way for our Membership to democratically decide and that we have not the power to change that. It will be to the elected Panelist who will know their support and the desire of the community to decide. If this happen I propose that we add in the ballot a question on what they should do.

Situation today.

This nomination process currently concerns 107 Members. No other organization in the Internet governance can probably reach such a figure. This may explain why we need some cooperation from everyone :-). Thank you for that: we are here and we are to stay and to be lissen.

1. Candidates having accepted (7)

Asaad Alnajjar
Thierry Amoussougbo
Hugh Blair
James Khan
Pierre Ouedraogo
Jonathan Robin
Sotiris Sotiropoulos

2. Possible candidate: decision pending (2)

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch
Abel Wisman

3. Nominees being sent their annoucement today (38)

Dr. Samer Barakat
Peter Demma
Kristen Doyle
Stephen Edgar
Stephan Feibish
Arnd Franke
German Fueyo
Dora Gerber
Kimberley Heitman
Björn Hendel
Catherine Hughes
Bruce James
Sebastian Klein
Curtis M Kularski
Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Joseph Lee
William Lorenz
Gilbert Lumantao
Michel J Menou
Ivonne Valeria Muñoz Torres
André Nafziger
Evelyne Pichler
Dominic Pinto
Rolf Plantener
Mark Poole
Maniam S
Paulo Sá Elias
Katharine Sarikakis
James Scott
Micheal Sherrill
Paustinus Siburian
Ken W Sinclair
Franz Starhan
Merle Swain
Nicholas Swift
Kaihsu Tai
Gabrielle Taylor
Tuyet A. Tran
Herbert Wilfing

4. Nomines having not reponded (30)

Izumi Aizu
Sebastien Bachollet
Pascal Bernhard
Joe Borda
Ted Byfield
Eung Hwi Chun
Patrick Corliss
Pierre Dandjinou
Marc Derrienic
Rod Dixon
Bret Fausett
Steven Heath
Jeanette Hofmann
Erick Iriarte
Soobok Lee
Alan Levin
Chris McElroy
Kristy McKee
Roeland Meyer
Andy Müller-Maguhn
YJ Park
Gabriel Piñeiro
Roozbeh Pournader
Michael Roberts
Charles Shaban
Ron Sherwood
Holger Steiner
Alexander Svensson

5. Declined (24)

Amadeu Abril i Abril
Joe Baptista
Domingo Barón
Marilyn Cade
Esther Dyson
Raul Echeberria
David Farrar
Leah Gallegos
Michael Geist
Richard Henderson
Norbert Klein
Wolfgang Kleinwaechter
Joanna Lane
James Love
Judyth Mermelstein
Pierre Mounier
Elisabeth Porteneuve
Thomas Roessler
Walter Schmidt
Marc Schneiders
Greg Shaw
Jan Siren
Dany Vandromme
Jon Weinberg

6. Asked questions (3)

Cordley Coit
Johannes J Teernstra
Jeffrey Williams

7. unreachable mail (2)

Hans Klein
Desiree Miloshevic