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RE: [atlarge-discuss] ELECTION REPORT

At 01:34 p.m. 29/05/2003, you wrote:

Since I was not actively involved with the prior circumstances with
Joop's "Polling Booth", I can only assume it was based on the Forum he
is using now.  If so, the source is readily available - "phpBB 2.0.2" is
used many places, including my own website, which has a Forum
Hi Jeff,

The Polling Booth is a separate site www.pollingbooth.info, developed especially to help secure voting on the web in the ICANN context and allowing for comments on the questions and reply options.

Only voters with their own unique password can vote.
Nobody can vote more than once.

It saves a lot of work when doing frequent polls.

I will make it available as a tool for decisionmaking within the Panel.
Nobody can cheat when 5 people know what they voted and voting can even be made non-anonymous.
This way the Panel will become familiar with its use.

I could even give a rotating admin account.

As for JFC's 'mailman' source, asking for it is pointless.  While I do
not suggest he would do so, sending the base code used without any
modifications would be the action of a person with bad intent, and there
would be little or no way or verifying the differences short of raiding
his ISP and grabbing the actual code executed.  So move on.

As to the comment about apologizing after the fact, the reference was to
a well known quote which I am sure Walt got if no one else did (look up
the history of COBOL)....

As was mentioned in this evening's batch of messages, we are all
"watchdogs" to a certain degree in this process and those who have the
actual email / ballot data should be capable of at the very least
verifying how many votes were cast and comparing tallies.



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