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Re: [atlarge-discuss] It Must Be Right...

Joop and all fellow members,

Joop Teernstra wrote:

> At 12:16 p.m. 30/05/2003, Sotiris Sotiropoulos wrote:
> >This "election" is over.  NULL AND VOID.
> >
> >--Sotiris Sotiropoulos
> Demolition must be followed by construction. If you want to start again on
> square one, WHO will have the authority to organize new elections?

 I can't answer for Sotiris, but you obviously did not read Sotiris's
comments and remarks completely Joop.  If this Jefsey-election
is NULL and VOID than the answer to this question is obviously,
No One.

> To answer that, it is best to look at the result of Jefsey's work and then
> make up our mind about going along with the members that have suggested
> giving the interim authority to the top five choices.

  No it isn't if the Jefsey-election is NULL and VOID, which it
actually is.

> Do you want to be among those, Sotiris?

  Again I cannot answer for Sotoris, but the only reasonable and
honest answer is NONE.

> Mistrust and walking away is justified when we see an actual hijack.  What
> we see is 3 volunteers who have assumed responsibility and (wrongly) authority.

  They have assumed nothing of the kind Joop.  Here is where you
have made the same exact mistake you made with the IDNO.  When
will  you ever learn I wonder?

> Before you call for total demolition it is better to see first what has
> been achieved with the work done and what can be salvaged.

  I see that the biggest achievement here that has been made is that
we have now seen clearly and without reasonable question the following:

1.) Eric is functionally irresponsible.
2.) Jefsey has effectively shown his true colors in various area including
      a desire to orchestrate and election by front loading such with his
      own large list of nominees, improperly making an association of this
      fledgling organization with his own EXECLUB.ORG,and than not being
      competent enough to be ethical in even counting his own Jefsey-election
4.) Bruce has been basically absent in any timely manner.
5.) That some members and newbies to this fledgling organization
    have yet to do their homework historically.
6.) That some members are willing to sell out the integrity for now and
     in the future, any good opportunity for the members to have an effective
     voice and impact on Internet policies and practices, for the expediency
     of an ill conceived and hasty election.

> -joop-
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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