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Re: Fw: [atlarge-discuss] Identity, Authentication & Digital Certificates

The use of the IPv6 identification process you propose is still fraught with difficulties for verification purposes. Example: I have three computers here in my office, each with a different make of network card. If I were so inclined, I could circumvent such a system and pose as 3 different people just by moving my chair a few feet...


--Sotiris Sotiropoulos

Jkhan wrote:

Bruce and Able,

My post below introduces the idea of an IPv6 Identification process of
Icannatlarge. You are both in a position to know better,
what systems/conditions we are currently running under.
Most likely a IPv4 Hosting system.

This is a time we should embrace technology.
What better proving ground than with us, ground zero.
The change to IPv6 is seamless, it is just an IP address change to a
suitable provider. I think we will be able to provide more '
goods & services' to our members and 'secure identification',
if IPv6 lives up to its promise.

There has not been any objections to this suggestion from the Mail-List,
so far as I can tell so far. In keeping this discussion transparent,
anyone who has an objection to us proceeding is free to voice their opinion.
That being so, we should proceed to investigate and implement the changes
for the good of the organization.

James Khan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jkhan" <Jkhan@MetroMgr.com>
To: "Jkhan" <Jkhan@MetroMgr.com>
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: [atlarge-discuss] Identity, Authentication & Digital

What I am suggesting here is that the Icannatlarge hosting be mounted on
an IPv6 ' Tunnel ' and an Identity Authentication system such as
Liberty Alliance be utilized to authenticate Members': Votes, Post and
Sponsorship of this organization.

Liberty Alliance "welcomes any commercial or non-commercial
organization to join as members" [www.projectliberty.org -see: Membership]


Subject: [atlarge-discuss] Identity, Authentication & Digital Certificates

Since we are discussing: Identity, Authentication & Digital Certificates'

I would like us to review an old article by Bill Frezza (October 4, 1999)
[ http://www.internetwk.com/columns/frezz100499.htm ]
Since " They " already know who we are, why shouldn't we get to know
each-other in the same way? In other words; If you can't beat them, then
join them. We can program our own site to operate with these systems.

See: The Liberty Alliance [ http://www.projectliberty.org ]

See: EU Releases Guidelines on Online Authentication - The European


Working Party on Data Protection has issued new privacy guidance for the
use and implementation of online authentication systems.
The guidance takes a specific look at some existing technologies, such


Microsoft's Passport system, and standards, such as the Liberty


February 5, 2003
[ http://europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/privacy/index_en.htm ]

The Article 29 Working Party guidance on on-line authentication systems

Press release by the Article 29 working party

References: http://www.cdt.org/digsig/

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"The science of jurisprudence regards the state and power as the
ancients regarded fire- namely, as something existing absolutely.
But for history, the state and power are merely phenomena, just as for
modern physics fire is not an element but a phenomenon.

From this fundamental difference between the view held by history
and that held by jurisprudence, it follows that jurisprudence can tell
minutely how in its opinion power should be constituted and what
power- existing immutably outside time- is, but to history's questions
about the meaning of the mutations of power in time it can answer
				     --Leo Tolstoy, "War and Peace"

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