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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Identity, Authentication & Digital Certificates

James Khan wrote:

| Since " They " already know who we are, why shouldn't we get to know
| each-other in the same way?  In other words; If you can't
| beat them join
| them.  We can program our own site to operate with these systems.
| See: The Liberty Alliance [ http://www.projectliberty.org ]

What?  Not Passport?!  :)  (Just kidding!  No way we want a proprietary

If we can get a free (or donated!) implementation, I'd prefer a Liberty
Alliance solution as well.  It's open source, and it's as robust as anything
else out there at the moment -- certianly robust enought for our needs!   We
have people evaluating it at work right now, and may eventually be using it
in lieu of a costly proprietary third-party authentication system.

Bruce Young
Portland, Oregon, USA
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