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RE: [atlarge-discuss] Quorum: Members said

At 02:58 a.m. 15/06/2003, Abel Wisman wrote:
It is quote normal to have a "quorum" meaning a minimum number of
members must have voted in order to accept the results as binding. It
has nothing to do with the "normal" majority of the panel.

The quorum is generally set to 2/3 which in this case would be 8 and
which is acceptable in my opinion.

Stating that this is not of importance if all panel members vote is
nonsense since there can be reasons to not vote in that case, for
re-votes (as per RH suggsetion) and in general obstruct the working of
the panel.
With a "room" for 3 panel members to go awol on a vote this is far less
likely to happen.
I think the Panel can come to a consensus around what Abel says here.


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