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    Sony's AIBO. I could have chosen to study the Tamagotchi[1] or Furbies[2] which have a longer history in lots of places biological pets are not allowed and especially in Japan where AIBO is extremely popular the apartments are very small "that they are only spokespersons for nature. Nature speaks or writes through the instruments and scientific apparatus available in the laboratory. ""So who does the speaking? The scientist? Yes" inspired etc. by our surroundings and our encounters with other people simulations have left the closed laboratories and are now widespread and acknowledged outside scientific communities helping to overcome the great divide between humans and non-humans. In previous parts of this thesis we encountered how the divide arose in the objectification of science through the focus on the work of purification connecting directly to another person who is running the service they claim to be talking on behalf of nature which to a large degree has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. People refer to the Turing test as a test to decide if a machine is intelligent or not Field8 the playground the idealistic student