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WIPO-Konferenz E-Patente Genf 2001-09-19



findet sich das Programm einer Konferenz der Weltpatentbewegung unter
massgeblicher Beteiligung ihrer Speerspitze bei der Europaeischen
Kommission.  Wie immer bei solchen Konferenzen geht es darum, die
Errungenschaften der Patentinflation auf dem Wege internationaler
"Harmonisierung" unumkehrbar zu machen.

Als Sprecher geladen sind

  John Mogg (EU Generaldirektion Binnenmarkt, bekannter Patentmaximalist)
  Jason Berman (Internationaler Schallplattenindustrieverband)
  Randall Davis (Informatiker, MIT)


  Patentable Subject Matter

findet sich allerlei Desinformation zu Softwarepatenten.
Unten mit ein paar Kommentaren versehen:

141. In order to be eligible for patent protection, an invention must fall
within the scope of patentable subject matter. Article 27.1 of the TRIPS
Agreement provides that, subject to certain exceptions or conditions under
that Agreement, patents shall be available for any inventions, whether
products or processes, in all fields of technology, provided that they are
new, involve an inventive step and are capable of industrial application.
While limited exceptions are possible under the TRIPS Agreement – and provided
for in some national laws – the general rule is that patent protection for an
invention will not be refused simply because of its field of technology.

Richtig, es muss schon argumentiert werden, dass es sich nicht um Technik
oder nicht um Erfindungen handele.  Was bei Programmlogik nicht schwer
ist und in Europa Tradition hat.

142. Patents have recently been granted to certain inventions concerning
financial services, electronic sales and advertising methods, business
methods, including business methods consisting of processes to be performed on
the Internet, and telephone exchange and billing methods.167 It is expected
that the number of these eCommerce-type patents may increase significantly,
bearing in mind the significant potential of electronic commerce to
individuals, companies and national economies, as well as to the global
economy. Such patents are viewed as important for creating incentives and
spurring investment in new technologies.

Diese Ansicht stammt aus Kreisen der Patentbewegung und wird auch dort
meist nur als Hoerensagen weitergereicht.  Unter serioesen Volkswirten hat
sie ohnehin keine Anhaenger.

On the other hand, this trend has been criticized by those who would
stress that a number of such patents concerning business practices and
methods reflect familiar ways of doing business which are not new or
novel: the only aspect that is different is that they occur in cyberspace.

Die Kritik an Geschaeftsmethodenpatenten wird hier bagatellisiert.  Als
ginge es bloss um die Nicht-Neuheit einiger Patentanmeldungen.

In Europe there is a view that the subject matter of a patentable
"invention" shall have a "technical character" or involve "technical
teaching," i.e., an instruction addressed to a person skilled in the art
as to how to solve a particular technical problem using particular
technical means.

Diese Technizitaetslehre fuehrt, sofern ernstgenommen, zur
Nichtpatentierbarkeit von Programmierideen und Programmen.  Nimmt man sie
nicht ernst, so ergibt sich die heute vom EPA bevorzugte Doktrin, wonach
alle "praktischen und wiederholbaren Loesungen", also auch
Geschaeftsmethoden, patentierbar sein muessen.  In diesem Falle ist die
Technizitaetslehre nur noch ein Vorwand, gelegentlich hier und dort eine
Patenterteilung zu vermeiden, "deren Zeit noch nicht gekommen ist", wie
kuerzlich eurpaeische AIPPI-Berichterstatter es formulierten.  Das wird
von den amerikanischen Patentjuristen zu Recht als unhaltbar kritisiert.

A similar discussion concerning patentable subject matter has occurred in
respect of software patents, as the significance of software itself extends
well beyond the software industry. The TRIPS Agreement does not allow the
exclusion of software in general from patentability.

Aha, die TRIPS-Luege wird noch einmal wiederholt.
Zur Aufklaerung s. http://swpat.ffii.org/stidi/trips/


In a recent Communication from the European Commission, it was stated that
the law on patentability of computer programs in the United States of
America has had a positive impact on the development of the software
industry there.

S. Gruenbuch von 1997.  So neu ist das nicht mehr.  Und die Behauptung
einer positiven Wirkung war voellig unbelegt.  Ein schon damals
unwuerdiges Propagandapamflet aus der Feder des hier als Hauptsprecher
geladenen John Mogg.

In this context, the Commission proposed a draft Directive to harmonize
the conditions for the patentability of inventions related to computer
programs. Although some patent offices have established examination
guidelines for computer related inventions, including software related
inventions, very little international harmonization has been achieved in
this area.

Die Konsultationen, die seit 1997 stattgefunden haben, werden


In the field of information technology, the value of intellectual assets
often resides in the "content" of the information. In the past, software
has often been sold as an integral part of the computer system, while,
today, software products are often marketed in the form of computer
readable media, for example, diskettes and CD-ROMs or directly over the
Internet. Software-related inventions are thus stored in such media, and
commercialized separately from the computer hardware. It is necessary,
therefore, to claim such software-related inventions as a computer
readable medium storing the software that performs the claimed functions.
This type of claim is commonly called "Beauregard-type claim." Other types
of claims, such as "Lowry-type claim" (a computer readable medium storing
a data structure, which data structure is interrelated to the medium
structurally and functionally) or a "propagated signal claim" (a claim to
a computer data signal that is embodied in a carrier wave) have also been
advanced by practitioners. As this topic is relatively new, there is not
as yet international harmonization concerning an acceptable claim format
with respect to software-related inventions.


Wie 1997 scheint es auch heute nur um die internationale Vereinheitlichung
bezueglich Formulierungsfragen zu gehen.  Und ganz zufaellig wird diese
Vereinheitlichung ins Voelkerrecht geschrieben.  Das hat natuerlich nichts
damit zu tun, dass auf diesem Wege die Entscheidungen der Patentaemter der
Aufsicht durch den Souveraen entzogen werden.

Hartmut Pilch
FFII e.V. 					 http://www.ffii.org/
Petition Fuer ein Softwarepatentfreies Europa http://petition.eurolinux.org/