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Re: [FYI] (Fwd) RIAA Wants Background Checks on CD-RW Buyers (fwd)
- To: debate@lists.fitug.de
- Subject: Re: [FYI] (Fwd) RIAA Wants Background Checks on CD-RW Buyers (fwd)
- From: Florian Weimer <fw@deneb.enyo.de>
- Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 16:00:39 +0100
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"Axel H Horns" <horns@ipjur.com> writes:
> [Keine Ahnhung, ob das ein Hoax sein soll - heutzutage weiss man ja
> nie. --AHH]
Selbe Quelle:
| Bush Threatens ISO Certification on Taliban
| By Mark Todaro, Special Correspondent
| Washington DC - In an unexpected change of tactics, United States
| President George W. Bush announced today that he would suspend
| military retaliation against Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network
| if bin Laden agrees to pursue ISO 9000 certification for his
| organization.
| An unnamed source within the Bush administration said that bringing
| the terror group's processes into ISO compliance would "almost
| certainly give US intelligence agencies the upper hand in neutralizing
| bin Laden's effectiveness." Additionally, Bush promised to provide bin
| Laden up to 500 personal computers equipped with the Windows 2000
| operating system.
| A defiant Taliban representative familiar with ISO certification said,
| "Fire will rain from the sky and monkeys will fly from my butt before
| we undergo this gruesome process. We prefer bombs to ISO auditors."
| While military and intelligence experts hailed both moves as brilliant
| ploys to halt the spread of terror, human rights advocates urged
| caution and sought safeguards that ISO literature and Windows PC's
| would not fall into the hands of Afghan citizens, already laboring
| under adverse conditions.
| Microsoft Offers Media Alternative to Anthrax/War
| New York - Released today Microsoft is promoting it's Window's XP
| operating system as an alternative to anthrax and war coverage to
| media outlets.
| "Americans are tired of hearing about the latest case of inhalation
| anthrax or about the progress of our military campaign in
| Afghanistan. Frightened Americans are longing to hear about the
| security and stability that Windows XP offers. It gives them a comfort
| level that anthrax just can't offer," said Bill Gates. "This is the
| most important software release we have made since the last one and
| media saturation is necessary."
| The event in New York City will feature a free performance by Sting
| and an appearance by New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Microsoft will
| donate the proceeds from the free performance to the Red Cross relief
| efforts.
| A CNN spokesperson said the XP launch will not be covered by the
| network. "We are a serious news station and our country is in a time
| of crisis. It would be irresponsible of us to pander to the Microsoft
| PR department. Instead we'll be running our AOL: The Greatest or the
| Bestest? documentary."
| "MSNBC agrees with Mr. Gates and is broadcasting in-depth coverage of
| the product launch, including opinions from people on the street in
| Kandahar and Kabul about the new operating system.
| I haven't watched the news for years so I don't really care what they
| do," said Dennis Adkins of Syracuse New York, "As long as it doesn't
| interfere with Frasier I'm all right with it."
| Tom Brokaw of NBC News said, "Today is a great day for users and for
| the PC industry. With the launch of Windows XP, we are entering an
| exciting new era of personal computing. I have been assimilated."
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