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Re: [Budapest, 28.11.] 1st Big Brother Awards Hungary
- To: debate@lists.fitug.de
- Subject: Re: [Budapest, 28.11.] 1st Big Brother Awards Hungary
- From: Peter Kuhm <peter.kuhm@plus.at>
- Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 21:30:28 +0100
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At 21:48 28.11.01 +0100, Rigo Wenning wrote:
>Meine Erfahrung aus 1998 war, dass die Ungarn schon damals sehr sehr
>weit mit dem Datenschutz waren...
eine gewisse Grundstimmung als fruchtbarer Boden hilft sicher bei
der weitergehenden Thematisierung. Konkret muss sich aber auch
einfach jemand finden der die Sache anpackt und durchzieht.
>On Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 01:31:33PM +0100, Peter Kuhm wrote:
>> [ Erstmalig Awards in einem post-kommunistischen Land und trotzdem
>> [ schon einiges Interesse. Nebenbei bemerkt hat Ungarn damit
>> [ diverse andere Laender 'ausgebremst', wo ebenfalls Awards geplant
>> [ oder diskutiert werden, wie etwa .au, .nl, .es, .dk, .it,...
>> [ Eine Uebersicht gibts auf <http://bigbrotherawards.org/>
hier mal die ungarischen Nominees:
(in Originalsprache unter <http://www.hu.bigbrotherawards.org/jelolt.htm>)
On the 28th of November, The Big Brother Awards (BBA) founded by Privacy
International will be presented for the first time in Hungary. The
Hungarian award is the first BBA will be handed out in an ex-socialist
The BBA takes its name from George Orwell’s famous phrase, “The Big
Brother is Watching You,” and it is earned by those governement bodies,
private companies, and individuals who have most brutally violated human
rights and taken advantage of their access to private information. After
Great Britain, the USA, Austria, Germany, France, and Switzerland, the
prize will be annually awarded in five categories in Hungary as well.
Decision on nominees for the Award were made on 21st November by a jury
made up of artists, computer experts, lawyers and public personalities.
The results of the Hungarian BBA are the following.
The jury’s decisions on the nominees of the first Hungarian Big Brother
In the category of governement bodies:
* The Central Agency of Data Processing, Statistics and Elections
of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for commerical activites with private
data of citizens and for the passing on of data to third parties
(Department of Country Image)
* Ministry of Justice: for the proposal of a bill on the
protection of personal data and the publicity of information of public
interest, the gist of which is to make the private lives of individuals
more, and the activities of the state less transparent. It was this
proposal that aimed to legalize, amongst others, the observance by
cameras of educational institutions and work places.
In the category of private companies:
* Microsoft Hungary: for joining the Hungarian version of Windows
XP to Passport
* Suli Info Dataproviders Partnership: for their proposal of
sending the grades of children to parents by sms
* Tesco-Global Ltd., Budaörs: for observing their employees by
camera without their consent and for the use of these recordings against
In the category of individuals:
* Zoltán Fenyvessy, MP: for questioning the necessity of the office
of the data protection commissioner
* Judit Körmendy-Ékes (head of the Hungarian Radio and Television
Council): for proposing strict government control over the internet in
* Róbert Répássy, MP: for the bill known as Lex Répássy, aimed at
violently limiting the freedom of the press
On public vote:
* Department of Country Image (winning 39.4 % of votes in this
category) for its handling of data in its publication Országjáró.
Positive e-privacy Award:
* László Majtényi for his activities as data protection commissioner
The inclusion of a name in the list of nominees does not mean that the
jury would charge the given company, individual or government body with
having committed actions violating valid laws. Awards in essence reflect
the moral and social estimation of the nominee’s activity in the terrain
of e-privacy. That is, nomination is not influenced by any political or
commercial factors. Nominees have been adviced in writing about their
nomination on 22nd November.
The organizers have followed the internationally accepted procedures in
the handing out of the Hungarian Big Brother Award.
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