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[FYI] (Fwd) Statewatch wins important case with European Ombudsman
- To: debate@lists.fitug.de
- Subject: [FYI] (Fwd) Statewatch wins important case with European Ombudsman
- From: "Axel H Horns" <horns@ipjur.com>
- Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2001 20:33:47 +0100
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From: "Caspar Bowden" <cb@fipr.org>
To: "FIPR Alert (E-mail)" <alerts@admin.fipr.org>,
"Ukcrypto (E-mail)" <ukcrypto@chiark.greenend.org.uk>,
Subject: Statewatch wins important case with European Ombudsman
Date sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 21:59:31 -0000
Send reply to: ukcrypto@chiark.greenend.org.uk
Statewatch wins important case with European Ombudsman (who also has
very cool logo)
In a nutshell, this damning judgement calls on the Council of the
European Union (i.e. the member states' executive/deliberative body in
EU) will now have to record ALL documents in the official register.
The Council is still making weasling attempts to allow "non-papers" or
crucially influential stuff that circulated informally to be
arbitrarily airbrushed from history, so it may require a resolution of
European Parliament to enforce.
This arose in the context of requests to Council for docs on 'ENFOPOL'
policy - the precursor to the recent and current flurry of new
interception and traffic data retention law.
Caspar Bowden www.fipr.org
Director, Foundation for Information Policy Research
Tel: +44(0)20 7354 2333
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