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[FYI] "Privacy in the next generation Internet..."
- To: debate@lists.fitug.de
- Subject: [FYI] "Privacy in the next generation Internet..."
- From: Peter Kuhm <peter.kuhm@plus.at>
- Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 10:08:57 +0100
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Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 21:48:04 +0100 (CET)
From: Alberto Escudero-Pascual <aep@it.kth.se>
To: Alberto Escudero <aep@it.kth.se>
Subject: Dissertation Proposal Presentation 2001-12-13,13.00
For those of you that are living in Sweden, i welcome you to my phD
dissertation proposal next Thrusday 13th of December 2001 at 13.00PM in
the IMIT Seminar Room at the IT University in Kista.
If that is not the case you are welcome to read the proposal at:
Enjoy your Xtmas days
Alberto Escudero Pascual
- - -
20011213 at 13.00 - Dissertation Proposal Presentation
Doctoral Thesis Proposal Presentation
Title: "Privacy in the next generation Internet:
Data protection in the context of European Union policy"
Candidate: Alberto Escudero-Pascual
Professor Bjorn Pehrson.,
Professor Gerald Q. Maguire Jr.,
Proposal Committee:
Professor Björn Pehrson.,
Professor Gerald Q. Maguire Jr.
Professor Louise Yngström.
Time: Thrusday 13th of December 2001 at 13.00
Place: IMIT Seminar Room, IT University, 8th Floor, Kista
The objective of this dissertation is to identify privacy
threats in the next generation Internet and study how privacy
enhancing technologies can improve privacy. Although the
internet is rapidly becoming "the" communication network, it
was not really engineered to preserve certain types of privacy.
In keeping with the European Union policies regarding data
protection there is a need to understand the benefits of and to
reduce the privacy risks of the this new generation of internet
Maintaining proper confidentiality with respect to location
information, traffic information, and the actual data traffic
itself are three of the key provisions of the new european
regulatory framework for electronic communications
infrastructure and associated services. The European Union aims
to adapt and update the existing Data Protection Directive to
take into account new technological developments and empower
users to take control of their personally identifiable
information. However, it is not well undersood how this policy
and the underlying internet technology can be brought into
alignment. For example, the current method in IPv6 of
automatically configuring an internet device results in an
identifier that is readily observable and recognizable -
despite the user moving from one network to another. Privacy
advocates have already pointed to this as a problem with
respect to traffic analysis and location privacy.
With the growth in social and economic importants of the
internet, it is recognized that the underlying technology of
the next generation internet must not only meet the many
technical challanges (such as reliability, availability, ...)
but must also meet the social expectations of such a pervasive
technology. These social expectations are now in the process of
being embodied as regulations and law.
Thus although there have been many technical efforts to insure
data confidentiality in the next generation internet, if is
still not known if the native IPv6 security and mobility
features will actually empower users and protect their privacy
or if in fact just the opposite will occur.
The dissertation will build upon my earlier licentiate thesis
which showed that it is possible to provide location privacy in
the existing internet (with IPv4). The dissertation will
address how to provide confidentiality of location information,
traffic information, and the actual data traffic itself in the
next generation internet. The goal of dissertation is to
provide both (1) recommendations to technical standarization
bodies and regulators concerning the next generation internet
so as to establish public telecommunications services which
meet the appropriate social, economic, and technical
requirements and (2) to provide the technical underpinning
necessary in the next generation internet so that this
technology and its deployment can meet the specific legal
obligations of the new European Union data protection
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