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Thema Spam im Europaparlament


hier die Agenda vom 17.4. des


| Ausschuss für die Freiheiten und Rechte der Bürger, Justiz und innere Angelegenheiten
| Mittwoch 17 April 2002 15:00, Bruxelles, Paul-Henri Spaak, P1A002
| 11. Elektronische Kommunikation: Verarbeitung personenbezogener
| Daten, Schutz der Privatsphäre (T06973)
| COD000189 COM(00)0385 C5-0035/02
| + LIBE Fond R CAPPATO Marco. (NI ) (PE311.019 )
| - Annahme eines Berichtsentwurfs

Suche nach den dt. Ausschussmitgliedern via
dort Ausschuss (C04..) und Land (DE..) waehlen

vgl. EuroCAUCE-Bericht (URL below) zu
| Vote in Parliament on E.Privacy Directive - 2001-09-06
Die MEPs die mit "For" gestimmt haben waeren noch "nachzubehandeln".

----- Original Message -----

Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 16:16:50 +0200
To: internetz@vibe.at
From: Peter Kuhm <peter.kuhm@plus.at>
Subject: noch einmal Spam in Europa


das BEUC - Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (= Der
Europäische Verbraucherverband) <http://www.beuc.org/> ruft seine
Mitglieder auf, die jeweiligen MEPs aus dem "Ausschuss für die
Freiheiten und Rechte der Bürger, Justiz und innere Angelegenheiten"
<http://www.europarl.eu.int/committees/libe_home.htm> anzuschreiben,
damit sie sich fuer opt-in einsetzen.

Bekanntlich hat das Europaparlament den opt-in Vorschlag der Kommission
zurückgewiesen an den o.g. Ausschuss (Committee on Citizens' Freedoms..).

vgl. -> http://www.euro.cauce.org/en/vote_result1.html

| Vote in Parliament on E.Privacy Directive - 2001-09-06
| After passing an amendment in favour of "opt-out" as outlined in the Report
| of the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home
| Affairs, (A5-0270/2001), Parliament went on to consider amendments tabled
| before the plenary session. Among these was one prohibiting advertising
| email without the prior consent of the recipient ("opt-in"), which was what
| the Commission's draft originally proposed. This amendment was adopted, but
| because of the flat contradiction with that which had been voted on only
| minutes previously, Parliament left itself with little choice but to reject
| the Commission's proposal as amended and refer the matter back to the
| Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs.
| [..]

Am Mi., den 17.4.2002 soll das nun in Bruessel auf der Tagesordnung stehen.
(online ist diese noch nicht verfuegbar)

Aus .at sind nur 2 MEPs in diesem Ausschuss. Maria Berger ist ja ohnedies
fuer opt-in, Hubert Pirker bekanntlich nicht. Auf unseren Schrieb

-> http://www.vibe.at/aktionen/200110/
| E-Mail-Werbung: Offener Brief an MEP Pirker »Opt-In einzig gangbarer Weg«

hatte er kein Ohrwaschl geruehrt.

Ich denke, jetzt ist es Zeit mal bei der OeVP anzuklopfen, welchen Position
sie eigentlich vertreten. In .at haben sie den 5-Parteienantrag zur
Aenderung der § 101 TKG mitunterstuetzt, in Europa agiert Pirker als
oesterr. Vertreter der "Fraktion der Europäischen Volkspartei (Christ-
demokraten) und europäischer Demokraten" aber ganz anders.




Dear Member,
Data protection in e-communications - Second reading / Vote in committee -
17th April 2002

The European Parliament is now examining the Council's Common position on
the proposed directive on data protection in e-communications (co-decision
procedure - 2nd reading). The rapporteur, MEP Marco Cappato (Radical party,
Italy) has already presented in committee a draft report on the Council's
common position. The vote in committee will be next week (17th April 2002). 

As you may remember, in the 1st reading the Parliament unfortunately
followed its rapporteur and accepted the "soft opt-out" solution (also known
as the "national choice" solution). The Parliament is of the opinion that
member states should be free to decide on the legal regime ("opt-in" or
"opt-out") for unsolicited commercial communications. Only for fax, SMS or
automatic calling systems, the subscribers' prior consent ("opt in") would
be required. E-mail is not included. Furthermore, prior consent ("opt-in")
is not required when the business already maintains a relationship with the
consumer. (Please see BEUC/400/2001 for further information).

For this 2nd reading in the Parliament, the rapporteur, MEP Cappato, is
proposing again a "soft opt-out" ("national choice") solution for
unsolicited commercial communications, i.e. introducing the same amendments
as for the EP first reading.

By contrast, the Council agreed on a "soft opt-in" solution for unsolicited
commercial communications. According to that, any unsolicited commercial
communications (e-mail, SMS (text messages), fax, automatic calling systems)
are only permitted if sent to subscribers who have given their prior
consent. However, in case the business already maintains a relationship with
the consumer, it is allowed to send unsolicited communications without the
consumer's prior consent by these means ("opt-out"). In any case the
consumer should have the opportunity to stop, free of charge and in an easy
manner, such use of communication details at the occasion of each message.
(Please see BEUC/453/2001 for detailed information).

Now it is time to tell MEPs that their approach is wrong. We would urge MEPs
to support the text of the Council's common position and vote against any
amendment which could jeopardise the "soft opt-in" approach. 

In view of the vote in committee next week, we would like to kindly ask you
to write a letter to MEPs from your country sitting in the Citizen's rights
and freedoms committee and urge them to support the text of the Council's
common position as regards spamming ("soft opt-in " solution). In order to
make this exercise as easy as possible, we attach a draft letter you could
use as model and a list of MEPs and their contact details.

Your letter, based on the attached draft model letter should be sent by fax
to your national MEPs as soon as possible and at any rate before the 17
April vote.



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