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Re: [FYI] US-Abhoersystem fuehrte offenbar zu Sheikh Mohammed

At 22:14 09.03.03 +0100, Martin Schroeder wrote:
>On 2003-03-09 20:40:38 +0100, Peter Kuhm wrote:


>> Bei der Festnahme Sheikh Mohammeds seien zahlreiche Dokumente, Computer und 
>Festnahme? Telepolis hatte letztens deutliche Zweifel..

URL dazu http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/co/14312/1.html

| Rätsel um Scheich Mohammed
| Haiko Lietz  05.03.2003
| Tot, lebendig, frei oder in Gefangenschaft - Verschwörungstheorien 
| und Gerüchte machen die Runde 
| [..]

und im Forum:

| Das ist nicht Khalid! Wieder ein Bluff von den USA!! siehe Asia Times!
| navy 6. März 2003 21:22
| Also der angebliche Khalid, soll dann auch noch Ben laden getroffen haben.
| Stimmt Alles nicht! Ein Witz ohne Ende
| http://globalresearch.ca/articles/BAL303A.html [0]
| siehe auch Asia Times:
| http://www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/EC06Df04.html [1]

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Real Khalid Sheikh Still At Large,
Much trumpeted arrest is fake

Balochistan Post, March 5, 2003 .

www.globalresearch.ca    6 March 2003
The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/BAL303A.html

PESHAWAR-- Information collected from different sources suggest that terror
suspect, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad's family belonged to Panjgor district of
Balochistan province and the wanted al-Qaeda member spent several years
in Peshawar during resistance against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

Arab and Afghan sources close to Khalid Sheikh Muhammad told The News
that details made available by the government about the age along with the
photograph revealed that the person arrested in Rawalpindi was not Khalid.
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South Asia                                      Mar 6, 2003

Khalid: A test for US credibility
By Syed Saleem Shahzad 

KARACHI - The circumstances surrounding the arrest in Pakistan and
handing over to US authorities of a man said to be Khalid Shaikh
Mohammad, a reportedly leading member of al-Qaeda, raise a number
of important issues, not the least of which is the credibility of the US in
its "war against terror".
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