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[FYI] Aiming at Pornography to Hit Music Piracy
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Aiming at Pornography to Hit Music Piracy
The recording industry, struggling to curb music piracy, is shining
the spotlight on another demon lurking on the Internet: pornography.
The industry is trying to enlist broader public support with a
campaign intended to show that its nemesis — the peer-to-peer
networks for swapping files like KaZaA and Morpheus — are used not
only to trade songs but also pornographic images, including child
pornography. Advertisement
"As a guy in the record industry and as a parent, I am shocked that
these services are being used to lure children to stuff that is
really ugly," said Andrew Lack, the chief executive of Sony Music
Others ask whether raising this issue is more than a little cynical
from an industry that heavily promotes music with sexual and violent
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