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Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conference 2004
im April 2004 findet in Berkeley, Kalifornien, die 14. Computers,
Freedom, Privacy Conference statt (http://www.cfp2004.org). Dies ist die
wohl führende interdisziplinäre Konferenz im Schnittfeld von technology,
cyberlaw und cyberpolitics. Inzwischen wurde der Call for Papers
veröffentlicht (s. unten). Dabei sind submissions von Europäern
besonders willkommen. Bei näheren Fragen bitte einfach eine E-Mail an
Viele Grüße,
Stefan Bechtold
# Dr. Stefan Bechtold, J.S.M. (Stanford) Tuebingen, Germany #
# stef@n-bechtold.com http://www.jura.uni-tuebingen.de/~s-bes1 #
The Program Committee of the Fourteenth Conference on Computers,
Freedom, and Privacy (CFP2004) seeks your proposals for innovative
conference topics, presentations and speakers. The Program Committee
also invites college and graduate student participation in the CFP2004
student competition.
Online Submission Deadline is October 31, 2003.
For over a decade, the Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conference has been
a leading venue for public discussion and debate on the effects of
computer and telecommunications technologies on freedom and privacy in
society. Each year, key representatives from government, business,
education, and nonprofits including the legal, law enforcement,
security, media, consumer, and hacker communities have gathered together
to anticipate technology trends and policy issues, and to help map the
future of our society.
We are seeking proposals on all aspects of computers, freedom, and
privacy, especially those with an international perspective. While we
will give all proposals careful consideration, we have identified three
themes for CFP2004 on control mechanisms within the technological
infrastructure and we encourage proposals that relate to them:
* The role of technology in providing national security and
individual privacy and freedom in the post-9-11 world: How has it
enhanced or undermined public security, increased or decreased
access to information, helped or hindered military and law
readiness and efficacy, and infringed or redefined individual
* The impact of new legal and technical developments on the
utility as a medium for disseminating and archiving information,
interacting with individuals, and culture: From digital rights
management and trusted computing architectures to jursidiction,
intellectual property and tort law, how are the laws of government
the laws of physics and mathematics altering our ability to access,
archive and interact with information?
* The role of computer and telecommunications technologies in the
political process: What are their effects on grassroots activism,
information dissemination, opportunites for informed participation,
organizing, candidate and issue campaigns, citizenship and the
process itself at the local, national, and global levels?
We are seeking suggestions for presentations and speakers on these and
other topics. Proposals should aim to present a wide range of
perspectives by including speakers with different viewpoints and varying
backgrounds. We are especially interested in alternatives to traditional
panel discussions for exploring issues, including moot courts, debates,
Socratic forums, artistic displays and performances, and other formats.
We are also seeking proposals for tutorials, workshops, technical
demonstrations, and birds-of-a-feather sessions. The Program Committee
may ask submitters to modify their proposals or combine them with others
to produce the best possible conference.
Complete submission instructions appear on the CFP2004 web site at:
All submissions must be received by October 31, 2003. Proposals will be
reviewed by the CFP2004 Program Committee; committee members are listed
The Program Committee will notify submitters of the status of proposals
no later than November 30, 2003.
Full-time college or graduate students may compete for financial support
to attend the conference and for cash prizes. Three $500 cash prizes
will be awarded for the best paper, the best research proposal, and the
best Web presentation exploring the three themes outlined above in the
Call for Proposals or other aspects of computers, freedom and privacy,
from the perspective of the rising generation that has grown up immersed
in technology. Free CFP conference registrations and travel scholarships
will be awarded to the top winners.
Papers should not exceed 3000 words. Papers will be evaluated for their
relevance, coherence, clarity of expression, and originality. All papers
should be submitted by December 12, 2003, via e-mai.
Web presentations
Web presentations are collections of Web pages linked together in a
meaningful way. Web presentations will be evaluated for their content
and overall effect. Web sites are expected to be platform-independent
and easily accessible through low-bandwidth connections. To enter a Web
presentation that you created in the competition, forward a url for the
home page of the presentation by December 12, 2003. Be sure to identify
yourself as the author of the presentation.
Research Proposal
Research proposals may be entered as either papers or Web presentations.
The most outstanding student paper will be published in the conference
proceedings, and the most outstanding Web presentation and most
outstanding Research Proposal will be linked from the CFP2004 Web site.
The authors will receive prizes of US$500. Prize winners will receive
travel scholarships to cover expenses of attending CFP2004.
How to Submit
Please email your submission to studentcomp@cpf2004.org indicating the
type of submission (paper, web presentation ...) in the subject line.
Include papers and research proposals as attachments to the e-mail
message. Web presentation submitters should forward the url where the
presentation can be found.
NOTE: Prior to submitting, please check that attachments can be read
easily using standardly available software. Attachments that cannot be
read easily by the reviewers will not be judged.
Submissions will be judged by a committee reflecting the diversity of
CFP. Winners will be notified by February 1, 2004.
Deirdre K. Mulligan
Chair, CFP2004
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