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[FYI] Revealed: how to set up a chat room for £50
Ich frage mich ja eh, wenn IRC, mit konstant ueber 1.2 Millionen
Usern in >500 Netzwerken [1], in den Focus der Regulierer geraet.
Frueher hoerte man wenigstens noch von den zahlreichen Perversen,
die dort Files tauschen, zumindest fuer die Copyrightlobby sollte
es doch noch interessant sein ..
--snip-- http://news.independent.co.uk/digital/news/story.jsp?story=447760
Revealed: how to set up a chat room for £50
By Charles Arthur, Technology Editor
28 September 2003
It costs just £50 to set up an unregulated internet chatroom that can
be used by thousands of people, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.
Last week Microsoft declared war on internet paedophiles by announcing
the closure of its UK-based chatrooms. But the IoS has established the
ease with which an unregulated chatroom can be set up - and the
difficulty for authorities in preventing paedophiles using chatrooms
to contact children with the intention of sexually abusing them.
Some disagree - and dislike the results of pressure from groups like
NCH. "MSN can't be faulted for this decision," said Malcolm Hutty,
regulation officer of the London Internet Exchange, Europe's largest
internet exchange point. "Like all ISPs, they have been under pressure
from the child protection lobby. But society will be poorer if
internet services are gradually removed."
But Parul Amlani, who with his brother Bobby runs UKChatterbox.com,
says that any suggestion that chatrooms will disappear from the
internet is "wishful thinking".
He added: "There are always going to be people there to provide that
sort of service. And there's always Internet Relay Chat, which isn't a
website but instead runs continuously on thousands of servers. The lay
person probably won't know how to use it. But people who want to,
--snip-- ------------------------------------------------------------
[1] Quelle: http://irc.netsplit.de/networks/
"Gestern war ein großartiger Tag für PR. Wir haben pro-aktiv unsere
Marktfüherschaft beim Chat im Kontext der MSN Schließungen Ihrer Chat
Räume positioniert... "
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