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EU : Protection of minors and human dignity


neues von der Praesidentin der AUI, unserer franzoesischen
Partnerorganisation. Es geht wohl um Bestrebungen der 
EU zur Kontrolle von jugendgefaehrdenden oder die Menschenwuerde
beruehrenden Inhalten im Internet.


>X-Envelope: <wenning2@rz.uni-sb.de>
>Date: Wed, 16 Oct 1996 13:23:06 +0100
>From: Meryem Marzouki <Meryem.Marzouki@imag.fr>
>To: depeches@aui.fr, gilc@mail.privacy.org, wenning2@rz.uni-sb.de
>Subject: EU : Protection of minors and human dignity
>[Du serveur de l'UE - infos quotidiennes / From the web server of the EU
>- daily news]
>Les "Green Papers" sont des documents soumis a discussion
>publique et a approbation. On les trouvent a :
>"Green Papers" are draft reports/recommendations for discussion and
>approbation. They are available at :
>                                    MIDDAY EXPRESS
>                       News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
>                   Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole
>                                    16 / 10 / 1996
>          I. Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's
>          Commission meeting
>             + Protection of minors and human dignity - fight against
>               harmful and illegal content on the Internet
>               Today the European Commission approved a Communication on
>               harmful and illegal content on Internet and a Green Paper on
>               the protection of minors and human dignity in the context of
>               new electronic services. While the Communication gives policy
>               options for immediate action to fight against harmful and
>               illegal content and concentrates on the Internet, the Green
>               Paper takes a horizontal approach and will initiate a medium-
>               and long-term reflection on the issue across all electronic
>               media. Both documents advocate a closer cooperation between
>               Member States and on an international level, the use of
>               filtering software and rating systems, and an encouragement
>               to self-regulation of access-providers. The Commission
>               documents follow the resolution adopted on 27 September 1996
>               by the Telecommunications Council of Ministers, on preventing
>               the dissemination of illegal content on the Internet, in
>               particular child pornography. The Council invited the
>               Commission to present practical measures in time for the next
>               Telecommunications Council on 28 November 1996.
>Meryem Marzouki  - TIMA-CMP - Meryem.Marzouki@imag.fr - Tel: (+33)76574696  
>46 avenue Felix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble Cedex, France - Fax: (+33)76473814