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[FYI] Hintergrundwissen Wassenaar-Implementation EU/DE
- To: debate@fitug.de
- Subject: [FYI] Hintergrundwissen Wassenaar-Implementation EU/DE
- From: "Axel H. Horns" <axel.horns@fitug.de>
- Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 16:51:59 +0100
- Comment: This message comes from the debate mailing list.
- Organization: FITUG e.V.
- Priority: normal
- Reply-to: axel.horns@fitug.de
- Sender: owner-debate@fitug.de
Hier etwas zum Hintergrund der moeglichen Implementation bezueglich
der aktuellen Wassenaar-Spekulationen: Die EU hat seit einigen Jahren
ein Export Control Regime, das routinemaessig an die sich wandelnden
Gegebenheiten angepasst worden ist. Es ist also per se noch nicht
erstaunlich, wenn sich die europaeischen Wassenaar-Teilnehmer jetzt
EU-intern treffen, um Konsequenzen zu beraten. Denn entscheidend ist,
und das wusste sogar hunser ehemaliger Bundeskanzler schon, was hinten
Council Regulation (EC) No 3381/94 of 19 December 1994 setting up a
Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use goods OJ L 367
31.12.94 p.1
Geaendert durch 395R0837 (OJ L 090 21.04.95 p.1)
Hinweise auf (geaenderte) Listen finden sich unter
94/942/CFSP: Council Decision of 19 December 1994 on the
joint action adopted by the Council of the basis of
Article J.3 of the Treaty on European Union concerning the
control of exports of dual-use goods OJ L 367 31.12.94 p.8
Amended by 395D0127 (OJ L 090 21.04.95 p.2)
Amended by 396D0613 (OJ L 278 30.10.96 p.1)
Amended by 397D0419 (OJ L 178 07.07.97 p.1)
Amended by 397D0633 (OJ L 266 29.09.97 p.1)
Amended by 398D0106 (OJ L 032 06.02.98 p.1)
Amended by 398D0232 (OJ L 092 25.03.98 p.1)
Die konkrete Liste findet sich in
94/942/CFSP: Council Decision of 19 December 1994 on the
joint action adopted by the Council of the basis of
Article J.3 of the Treaty on European Union concerning the
control of exports of dual-use goods
OJ L 367 31.12.94 p.8
Amended by 395D0127 (OJ L 090 21.04.95 p.2)
Amended by 396D0613 (OJ L 278 30.10.96 p.1)
Amended by 397D0419 (OJ L 178 07.07.97 p.1)
Amended by 397D0633 (OJ L 266 29.09.97 p.1)
Amended by 398D0106 (OJ L 032 06.02.98 p.1)
Amended by 398D0232 (OJ L 092 25.03.98 p.1)
-------------------------------- CUT --------------------------------
94/942/CFSP: Council Decision of 19 December 1994 on the
joint action adopted by the Council of the basis of
Article J.3 of the Treaty on European Union concerning the
control of exports of dual-use goods Official journal NO.
L 367 , 31/12/1994 P. 0008 - 0163 Finnish special
edition....: Chapter 2 Volume 15 P. 90 Swedish special
edition...: Chapter 2 Volume 15 P. 90
Amended by 395D0127 (OJ L 090 21.04.95 p.2)
Amended by 396D0613 (OJ L 278 30.10.96 p.1)
Amended by 397D0419 (OJ L 178 07.07.97 p.1)
Amended by 397D0633 (OJ L 266 29.09.97 p.1)
Amended by 398D0106 (OJ L 032 06.02.98 p.1)
Amended by 398D0232 (OJ L 092 25.03.98 p.1)
COUNCIL DECISION of 19 December 1994 on the joint action
adopted by the Council on the basis of Article J.3 of the
Treaty on European Union concerning the control of exports
of dual-use goods (94/942/CFSP) THE COUNCIL OF THE
EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on European
Union, and in particular Article J.3 thereof, Having
regard to the general guidelines given by the European
Council on 26 and 27 June 1992, HAS DECIDED AS FOLLOWS:
Article 1
A joint action, aimed at protecting Member State's
essential security interests and meeting their
international commitments, on the control of exports from
the Community of goods which can be used for both civil
and military purposes, hereinafter referred to as
'dual-use goods`, is hereby adopted. This Decision and
Council Regulation (EC) No 3381/94 of 19 December 1994
setting up a Community regime for the control of exports
of dual-use goods (1), constitute an integrated system
involving, in accordance with their own powers, the
Council, the Commission and the Member States.
Article 2
The list of dual-use goods shall be as set out in Annex I.
That list shall apply for the purposes of Article 3 (1)
and Article 19 (1) (a) and (2) of Regulation (EC) No
Article 3
The list of destinations to which Article 6 (1) (a) of
Regulation (EC) No 3381/94 applies shall be as set out in
Annex II.
Article 4
The guidelines to be taken into consideration for the
purpose of Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 3381/94 shall
be as set out in Annex III.
Article 5
The list of goods to which Article 19 (1) (b) of
Regulation (EC) No 3381/94 applies shall be as set out in
Annex IV.
Article 6
The list of goods and Member States to which Article 20
(1) of Regulation (EC) No 3381/94 applies shall be as set
out in Annex V.
Article 7
This Decision shall be published in the Official Journal
of the European Communities on the same day as Regulation
(EC) No 3381/94. Any subsequent amendments to this
Decision shall also be published in the Official Journal
of the European Communities.
Article 8
This Decision shall enter into force on the day of its
publication. It shall apply from 1 March 1995.
Done at Brussels, 19 December 1994.
For the Council The President K. KINKEL
(1) See page 1 of this Official Journal.
1. 'Cryptography` (5) means the discipline which embodies
principles, means and methods for the transformation of
data in order to hide its information content, prevent its
undetected modification or prevent its unauthorized use.
'Cryptography` is limited to the transformation of
information using one or more secret parameters (e. g.
crypto variables) or associated key management. NB:
'Secret parameter`: a constant or key kept from the
knowledge of others or shared only within a group. 3
5D1 SOFTWARE 5D001 a. 'Software` specially designed or
modified for the 'development`, 'production` or
'use` of equipment or materials specified in 5A001, 5B001
or 5C001; b. 'software` specially designed or modified to
support 'technology` specified in 5E001; c. specific
'software` as follows: 1. 'generic software`, other than
in machine-executable form, specially designed or modified
for the 'use` of 'stored programme controlled` digital
switching equipment or systems; 2. 'software`, other than
in machine-executable form, specially designed or modified
for the 'use` of digital cellular radio equipment or
systems; 3. 'software` specially designed or modified to
provide characteristics, functions or features of
equipment specified in 5A001 or 5B001; 4. 'software` which
provides the capability of recovering 'source code` of
telecommunications 'software specified in this Category;
5. 'software` specially designed for the 'development` or
'production` of 'software` specified in 5D001. (For
'software` for 'signal processing` see also 4D and 6D.)
5E1 TECHNOLOGY 5E001 a. 'Technology` according to the
General Technology Note for the 'development`,
'production` or 'use` (excluding operation) of equipment,
systems, materials of 'software` specified in 5A001,
5B001, 5C001 or 5D001; b. specific technologies, as
follows: 1. 'required` 'technology` for the 'development`
or 'production` of telecommunications equipment specially
designed to be used on board satellites; 2. 'technology`
for the 'development` or 'use` of laser communication
techniques with the capability of automatically acquiring
and tracking signals and maintaining communications
through exoatmosphere or sub-surface (water) media; 3.
'technology` for the processing and application of
coatings to optical fibre specially designed to make it
suitable for underwater use; 4. 'technology` for the
'development` or 'production` of equipment employing
'synchronous digital hierarchy` (SDH) or 'synchronous
optical network` (Sonet) techniques; 5. 'technology` for
the 'development` or 'production` of 'switch fabric`
exceeding 64 000 bit/s per information channel other than
for digital cross connect integrated in the switch; 6.
'technology` for the 'development` or 'production` of
centralized network control; 7. 'technology` for the
'development` or 'production` of digital cellular radio
systems; 8. 'technology` for the 'development` or
'production` of 'integrated services digital network`
(ISDN). 9. 'technology` for the 'development` of QAM
techniques, for radio equipment, above level 4. 5E101
'Technology` according to the General Technology Note for
the 'development`, 'production` or 'use` of equipment
specified in 5A101. PART 2 'INFORMATION SECURITY` Note:
The control status of 'information security` equipment,
'software`, systems, application specific 'electronic
assemblies`, modules, integrated circuits, components or
functions is defined in this Category even if they are
components or 'electronic assemblies` of other equipment.
equipment, application specific 'electronic assemblies`,
modules or integrated circuits for 'information security`,
as follows, and other specially designed components
therefor: a. designed or modified to use 'cryptography`
employing digital techniques to ensure 'information
security`; b. designed or modified to perform
cryptanalytic functions; c. designed or modified to use
'cryptography` employing analogue techniques to ensure
'information security`; except: 1. equipment using 'fixed`
band scrambling not exceeding eight bands and in which the
transpositions change not more frequently than once every
second; 2. equipment using 'fixed` band scrambling
exceeding eight bands and in which the transpositions
change not more frequently than once every 10 seconds; 3.
equipment using 'fixed` frequency inversion and in which
the transpositions change not more frequently than once
every second; 4. facsimile equipment; 5. restricted
audience broadcast equipment; 6. civil television
equipment; d. designed or modified to suppress the
compromising emanations of information-bearing signals;
NOTE: 5A002.d does not specify equipment specially
designed to suppress emanations for health or safety
reasons. e. designed or modified to use cryptographic
techniques to generate the spreading code for 'spread
spectrum` or the hopping code for 'frequency agility`
systems; f. designed or modified to provide certified or
certifiable 'multilevel security` or user isolation at a
level exceeding Class B2 of the trusted computer system
evaluation criteria (TCSEC) or equivalent; g.
communications cable systems designed or modified using
mechanical, electrical or electronic means to detect
surreptitious intrusion. Note: 5A002 does not control: a.
'Personalized smart cards` using 'cryptography` restricted
for use only in equipment or systems, as follows: 1.
excluded from control under 5A002.c.1 to c.6; 2. excluded
from control under b, c or e of this Note; 3. a. access
control equipment, such as automatic teller machines,
self-service statement printers or point of sale
terminals, which protects password or personal
identification numbers (PIN) or similar data to prevent
unauthorized access to facilities but does not allow for
encryption of files or text, except as directly related to
the password or PIN protection; b. data authentication
equipment which calculates a Message Authentication Code
(MAC) or similar result to ensure no alteration of text
has taken place, or to authenticate users, but does not
allow for encryption of data, text or other media other
than that needed for the authentication; c. cryptographic
equipment specially designed, developed or modified for
use in machines for banking or money transactions, such as
automatic teller machines, self-service statement
printers, point of sale terminals, or equipment for the
encryption of interbanking transactions, and intended for
use only in such applications; d. portable (personal) or
mobile radiotelephones for civil use, e.g. for use with
commercial civil cellular radiocommunications systems,
containing encryption; b. equipment containing 'fixed`
data compression or coding techniques; c. receiving
equipment for radio broadcast, pay television or similar
restricted audience television of the consumer type,
without digital encryption and where digital decryption is
limited to the video, audio or management functions; d.
portable (personal) or mobile radiotelephones for civil
use, e.g., or use with commercial civil cellular
radiocommunications systems, containing encryption, when
accompanying their users; e. decryption functions
specially designed to allow the execution of
copy-protected 'software`, provided the decryption
functions are not user-accessible. 5B2 TEST, INSPECTION
AND PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT 5B002 a. Equipment specially
designed for: 1. the development of equipment of functions
specified in 5A002, 5B002, 5D002 or 5E002, including
measuring or test equipment; 2. the production of
equipment or functions specified in 5A002, 5B002, 5D002 or
5E002, including measuring, test, repair or production
equipment. b. Measuring equipment specially designed to
evaluate and validate the 'information security` functions
specified in 5A002 or 5D002. 5C2 MATERIALS None 5D2
SOFTWARE 5D002 a. 'Software` specially designed or
modified for the 'development`, 'production` or 'use` of
equipment or 'software` specified in 5A002, 5B002 or
5D002. b. 'Software` specially designed or modified to
support 'technology` specified in 6E002. c. Specific
'software` as follows: 1. 'software` having the
characteristics, or performing or simulating the functions
of the equipment specified in 5D002 or 5B002; 2.
'software` to certify 'software` specified in 5D002.c.1;
3. 'software` designed or modified to protect against
malicious computer damage, e.g. viruses. Note: 5D002 does
not control: a. 'software` 'required` for the 'use` of
equipment excluded from control under the note to 5A002;
b. 'software` providing any of the functions of equipment
excluded from control under the note to 5A002. 5E2
TECHNOLOGY 5E002 'Technology` according to the General
Technology Note for the 'development`, 'production` or
'use` of equipment or 'software` specified in 5A002, 5B002
or 5D002.
-------------------------------- CUT --------------------------------
Zur Gesetzeslage in DE: Aussenwirtschaftsgesetz
Axel H Horns