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[NYT] Belauschte Lauscher

Es ist nicht ohne Ironie, daß offensichtlich diejenige Nation mit
den größten Ambitionen in puncto Überwachung zum Opfer jahrzehntelanger
Industriespionage geworden ist --- der Hughes-Fall hat sich als
Spitze eines Eisbergs entpuppt.  Lächerlich in diesem Licht die
immer noch andauernden Bemühungen, starke Kryptographie zu behindern.

(House Report on NatSec Harm by China)

   31 December 1998. Thanks to Anonymous.
   The New York Times, 31 December 1998
  Bipartisan Report Finds Theft of Nuclear Technology That Hurt National
   By Jeff Gerth and Eric Schmitt
   WASHINGTON -- A select House committee, in a classified report unusual
   for its bipartisanship, has found that over the last 20 years China
   obtained, sometimes through theft, some of the most sensitive of
   American military technology, including nuclear weapons design,
   Government officials and witnesses before the panel say.
   The committee's final report, unanimously approved by its five
   Republican and four Democratic members Wednesday, found that during
   Republican and Democratic Administrations alike, China acquired a
   range of technical secrets far beyond the satellite- and
   missile-related technology whose transfer by American satellite
   companies during the Clinton Administration prompted the start of the
   panel's inquiry in May.
   In a carefully worded statement after the report had been approved,
   the committee's chairman, Representative Christopher Cox, Republican
   of California, said that China's acquisition of American technology
   had harmed national security and that its "acquisition efforts over
   the past two decades" had been a "serious, sustained" activity.
   The panel's 700-page report is secret because so much of its six-month
   inquiry dealt with classified information, and it released no details
   from that report Wednesday.
   It promised to begin a process, in consultation with the Clinton
   Administration, to declassify as many of the findings as possible.

Evolution breeds not a single winner, but diversity.