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[FYI] Information vs Meaning?

CORDIS RTD-NEWS/© European Communities, 1999.  

Record Control Number: 13653  

Date: 1999-09-20  

Category: Event  

General Information:  

'Information vs Meaning?' is the subject of the first in a series of 
Scope annual conferences that will explore the impact of information 
technology on human experience. Scope 1 is to be held in Vienna, 
Austria, on 30 September and 1 October 1999.  

The first conference will ask what new tools and strategies for 
acquiring knowledge look set to emerge. International speakers from 
fields of development, science, design and management will present 
their experiences of current developments and how they may interplay 
to create a new scenario.  

Scope is organised into four sections plus an on-line section 
entitled 'making sense of the world'. These include knowledge 
interfaces, disappearing information, vanishing boundaries and a view 
from the balcony.  

The on-line section is designed as an open forum where everybody - 
from speakers to attendees to the on-line community - is invited to 
contribute their personal strategy for making sense of a changing 

Data Source Provider: Telematics Applications Programme News  

Document Reference: Event announcement.  

Subject Index Codes: Information Processing, Information Systems  

Contact Person:  

For further information please contact:  

                    AHR Congress Service 
                    Mariannengasse 32 
                    A-1090 Wien 
                    Tel. +43-1-4027755; Fax +43-1-402805 
                    E-mail: register@scope.at 
                    URL: http://www.scope.at/