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[icann-europe] icannatlarge site ready for registration of interest

Dear ICANN Europeans,

the www.icannatlarge.com website has been live for registrations since a 
few days.

This is not an official ICANN site, but a bottom-up effort and it may be 
your names on this list that will make the difference for the Board's 
decision in Accra.

There is also a web based forum to explore and to contribute to.

The site will need a lot of filling in still to be done and volunteers are 
very welcome.

If anyone would like to be the webmaster (caution: webmasters are NOT 
supposed to post their  opinions) then I am happy to give up this  burden.

Fitug.de has offered to host the site and I am comfortable to accept that 
offer, once the current commercial hosting expires.


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