Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Electronic signature standardisation

CORDIS RTD-NEWS/c European Communities, 1999.

Record Control Number: 13247

Date: 1999-07-08

Category: General policy

General Information:

A draft for standardising electronic business transactions compiled by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute's (ETSI) is now available on the Web.

The draft, under the European Electronic Signature Standardisation Initiative (EESSI), follows the European Commission's proposal for a directive to provide a Community framework for electronic signatures. The focus of research is to determine the legal validity of electronic signatures.

The aim of the first set of standards is to meet the minimum requirements required for the interoperability of electronic signatures used in secure business transactions, thereby encouraging the development of secure e-commerce.

The current proposal covers a range of standardisation activities, including naming conventions and restraints, the format of electronic signature tokens and their sub-components, and the selection of protocols to interoperate with public repositories.

ETSI would like to encourage comments on the draft, in preparation for a final draft being scheduled for publication in September 1999.

Data Source Provider: Electronic publishing

Document Reference: Electronic publishing weekly (El.Pub).

Subject Index Codes: Electronics, Microelectronics; Information Processing, Information Systems

Contact Person:

For further information please see the following websites:

URL: draft standard EESSI
