Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Independent European regulatory authority?

CORDIS RTD-NEWS/© European Communities, 1999.

Record Control Number: 13604

Date: 1999-09-10

Category: General policy

General Information:

The possible added value of an independent European regulatory authority for telecommunications has been considered by the European Telecommunications Office, the results of which have been presented in a draft final report available on the Internet.

The document examines what regulatory problems have been identified in the EU within the harmonised telecoms framework and considers whether an EU regulator is needed to address these problems. A regulatory overview, an analysis of a comprehensive survey, an overview on national arrangements in the EU Member States, a description of European structures in the field and some recommendations are also contained in the report.

The study was prepared for the European Commission, following a request from the European Parliament.

Data Source Provider: I*M Europe Newsdesk

Document Reference: Added value of an independent European Regulatory Authority for telecoms - Draft final report.

Programme Acronym: ISPO

Subject Index Codes: Telecommunications; Policies

Contact Person:

A copy of the draft final report can be downloaded in pdf format from the Web at:
