Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Smart Homes 22.-23.02.1999

CORDIS RTD-NEWS/c European Communities, 1998

Record Control Number : 11924 Date : 1999-01-14

Category : Event

General Information :

Those working with older or disabled people, whether it is through housing corporations, care organisations or researchers and product designers, are invited to attend the International Conference on Smart Home and Telematics on 22-23 February 1999 in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. This event aims to give an overview of the state of the art of the various aspects of smart homes, such as technical infrastructure and software and hardware.

Smart home technology, or domotics, is the integration of services and technologies applied to houses and apartments with the purpose of automating them and obtaining increased safety and security as well as comfort, communication and technical management.

The main objectives of the conference will be to give an overview of European-funded telematics projects relating to services and older people. It also intends to come up with directions for concrete guidelines and future actions in the further development and realisation of smart homes applications.

Additionally, this conference will create a forum for exchange of new ideas for project proposals in the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Union, as well as stimulating new coalitions for international cooperation.

The conference is organised by the foundation New Homes, with support of COST219bis Access to telecommunications for disabled and older persons and The European Union through the Telematics Application Programme.

Data Source Provider : Foundation Smart Homes

Document Reference : URL:

Subject Index Codes : Telecommunications; Information Processing, Information Systems

Contact Person :

For further information, please contact:

Ad van Berlo
Tel. +31497-514984; Fax +31497-518542
