Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Further MI5 Records Released

Further MI5 Records Released

Security Service Records 1914-1945

Records of the Security Service 1914 to 1945 Information about the key documents released, including some images

Class Lists of New Records Catalogue descriptions for downloading; contain no images of documents

The Secret Service1909-1945: The Official History Order this and other related publications from our Bookshop

Security Service (MI5) First World War Historical Reports The release of the first MI5 records which took place in March 1998

The Public Records System and Access to Public Records Explains about the extended closure rules under which these records have been released

Getting Started Explains everything you need to know if you want to see the records in person at Kew

Last Updated: 27th January 1999 | c Crown Copyright 1999
