Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

DLM calls for papers on electronic records

CORDIS RTD-NEWS/c European Communities, 1998

Record Control Number : 12263 Date : 1999-02-21

Category : Event

General Information :

The second multidisciplinary forum for Electronic Records, entitled DLM-Forum'99, will be held on 18 and 19 October 1999 in Brussels. The DLM Forum is currently calling for papers from experts in the field of public administration, archives, industry and research.

The forum is based on the general theme "European citizens and electronic information: the memory of the Information Society". It will be oriented towards practical solutions and should examine the possibilities for giving a Europe-wide impulse to industry in the field of priority DLM-activities. The aspect of access to public information will also play an important role, as will the question of transparency and openness.

The DLM Forum'99 is being organised by the European Commission, DG XIII.

Remarks :

The deadline for submission of extended abstracts to papers is 19 March 1999. the deadline for submission of complete papers is 15 June 1999.

Data Source Provider : European Commission, DG XIII

Document Reference : Based on an event announcement.

Subject Index Codes : Telecommunications; Information, Media

Contact Person :

For further information, please contact:

Mrs Christina Bechers and Mr Peter Berninger
DLM-Forum secretariat
European Commission SG 1-AH
Office SDME 5/68
rue de la Loi 200
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2995900;Tel. +32-2-2960827;Tel. +32-2-2967402; Fax
+32-2-2961095 E-mail:
