Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

"Tarzan" DVD forces viewers through a jungle of previews

[Interessanter Aspekt: Kopierschutz- und Sperreinrichtungen als (fuer den Anbieter) aeusserst flexibles Instrument, um den Konsum eines Werkes im Detail steuern zu koennen. Weiterentwicklungen sind vorhersehbar, z.B. die DVD der uebernaechsten Generation, die herstellerseitig so eingerichtet werden kann, dass man sie erst dann erst wieder aus dem DVD-Player nehmen kann, wenn man sie zur Gaenze abgenudelt hat. ;-) --AHH]

"Tarzan" DVD forces viewers through a jungle of previews

By Greg Sandoval

Staff Writer, CNET

March 2, 2000, 12:20 p.m. PT


Some Disney fans are going ape over the slew of previews and advertisements they have to get through before they can watch "Tarzan" on DVD.

In most DVD films, after the obligatory FBI warning, a menu bar appears on the screen, directing viewers to the movie or other extra material such as interviews with the director, music videos tied to the movie or previews.

On the "Tarzan" DVD, however, viewers have to watch or fast forward past both the FBI warning and the previews before they get to the menu selection. The roughly four-minute section also touts Disney's Web site.

Viewers have posted scores of complaints on's movie review section, with most saying they wanted to be able to skip past the ads.

One parent wrote: "Loved 'Tarzan.' But the DVD forces you to sit through several trailers before allowing you to actually see the movie. This is no fun when your 2-year-old is screaming for Tarzan!"

A Disney executive, who asked to remain anonymous, acknowledged that the film didn't include a menu option for the ads and that the company has received complaints about it. However, the executive defended the ads as a benefit for consumers.

