Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

University of Virginia, U.S.: Napster teach-in on campus

05 September 2000

Napster teach-in on campus

About 3,000 incoming students at the University of Virginia wishing to obtain an e-mail account this year had to answer 10 multiple- choice questions, including the following:

"With Napster or similar services . . . you:

A. Have found a great way to protest record company pricing policies.

B. Know you will be able to stay within your budget for the year due to the funds you will save by not purchasing CDs.

C. Have violated University policy; have violated federal law; have violated the university's Honor Code; have put yourself at real personal risk for a lawsuit for copyright infringement; have opened your computer so that anyone on the Internet can obtain any file from it; have contributed to network congestion (or complete network stalls) in the residence halls from uploads and downloads of MP3 files to and from the entire Internet."

It doesn't take an MBA to figure out the answer the university wanted was not "A" or "B."

But the university hasn't blocked students from using popular file sharing programs like Napster, Scour or Gnutella.

