Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

USPTO on DNA patents

According to slashdot: (PTO's new guide to DNA info)

... Many in the scientific community are opposed to any attempts to patent these small DNA segments, claiming that such patents could deprive researchers of essential tools in the future. In 1996, scientists working in this area adopted the "Bermuda Principles," which call for the release--typically by posting on the Internet--of sequences "as soon as possible," often within 24 hours of their discovery. And, in fact, any laboratory funded by the National Human Genome Research Initiative is required to implement such a data-release program. Those who believe that this early-stage genetic information should be freely available, instead of patent-protected, fall into Mr. Kushan's definition of "theologians'' who "don't like patents in this area." He predicted that they will probably not be happy with the new guidelines, thinking that the PTO hasn't gone far enough to prevent the wholesale patenting of small segments. ...

ralf Zurück