Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

ETSI to distribute openly 3GPP algorithms

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Sophia Antipolis, France - 4 September 2000

The European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) announced today the distribution of the specification of the 3GPP Confidentiality and integrity algorithms.

The 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity algorithms are cryptographic algorithms used to protect the over-the-air privacy and integrity of cellular voice and date communication. They are part of the security architecture of the 3GPP system and are essential for its overall security.

The algorithms consist of a confidentiality algorithm f8 and an integrity algorithm f9, based on the Kasumi algorithm. The confidentiality algorithm f8 is a stream cipher that is used to encrypt/decrypt blocks of user data and signaling messages under a confidentiality key.

The algorithms were developed by an ETSI SAGE (Security Algorithms Group of Experts) 3 GPP Task Force, and were evaluated by three groups of independent experts.

The specifications of the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity algorithms are publicly available on the ETSI web site at:

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Would somebody from the "three groups of indenpendent experts" like to comment ?

Theodor Schlickmann

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