Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Coelho under surveillance

14 July 2000. Thanks to Frederico Duarte.

TAL&QUAL, Lisbon weekly newspaper Friday, 14 July 2000 Translated from the original Portuguese article by the author, Frederico Duarte

Coelho under surveillance

The European Parliament has chosen the Portuguese European Parliament Member MP Carlos Coelho to lead the investigation on "Echelon,", the worldwide eavesdropping system. The Portuguese is going to be the man that, for a year, will be under the most stringent surveillance of the world of espionage

The Portuguese European Parliament Member, Carlos Coelho, of PSD (Partido Social Democrata, Social-Democrat Party, member of the Christian Democrat group in the European Parlament-EP), newly- appointed president of the investigation committee of the EP that, starting in September, will investigate the Echelon spy system, will be the most watched man in the world during the next year.

"My telephones, faxes and e-mails might already be under surveillance," he told a Tal&Qual reporter this week with a shrug of shoulders that shows his perfect awareness of the situation.

