Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft


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Nature 20 April 2000 Correspondence Nature 404, 809 (2000) © Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Open-source work even more vital to genome project than to software Sir - We note with dismay and alarm the controversy concerning access, distribution and patenting of the human genome sequence (Nature 404, 317; 2000 & Nature 404, 324; 2000). We wish to point out some analogies between the human genome sequencing efforts and 'open-source' software development, which have implications for the data-release policy of the public sequencing effort. ... Unfortunately, the public genome-sequencing centres have not distributed their 'source code' under a similar GPL licence in the past. This has now allowed a commercial entity to incorporate these data into a closed product with the apparent aim of market domination. ...

ralf Zurück