Förderverein Informationstechnik und Gesellschaft

Lessig: "The American public believes they are protecting themselves and Hollywood against a bunch of hippies and communi

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Lessig: Fight For Your Right to Innovate

by David Sims 02/16/2001

Internet applications such as Napster are not weakening copyright protection, they're actually contributing to making it stronger, Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig told the crowd at O'Reilly's Peer-to-Peer conference on Friday morning.

By raising the ire of Hollywood and its armies of lawyers, the Napster case has further strengthened a century-long trend of extending the protection of intellectual property far beyond what the framers of the Constitution intended.

The result is that the freedom to innovate is being chilled and "unless we take political action, your right to build it first will be removed," Lessig said.


"The American public believes they are protecting themselves and Hollywood against a bunch of hippies and communists," Lessig said, noting to Barlow, "You've been called a hippie, and I've been called a communist."
